September 19

APlusTutorSoft.COM Review and Sweeps!


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by Meridith

I work from home, I blog from home, I review from home and I school from home.  That means ALOT is going on in the home.  Homeschooling is one of the joys of my life, but it also takes alot of my time, and even more time when math is the subject.  I received a Premium Edition 4th grade Math curriculum from APlusTutorSoft and and what I thought would mean taking more time out of my day to review something actually meant I got MORE time to myself!

I cannot tell you how many days I had dreaded opening a mathbook and trying my best to teach things that I had honestly already forgotten.  I know that sounds sad, considering we were only diving in to a 4th grade curriculum, but it is true.  There are so many rules that I kept messing up on while teaching multiple number subtraction or division.  My daughter and my husbad loaded the CD and set up the username and passwords and created accounts that have different priveleges.  She was able to enter the math program immediately and was offered both text and audio/visual options.  She chose to be taught by the program.  I was listening from across the room the first couple of days and it was honestly as if she was in the a classroom being taught by an instructor.  It was a voice that directed the lesson and then drawings that would show and do the work along with her.  She said she appreciated that she could go at her own pace and they would show her the work as they went through it.  She also liked that she was able to skip over the parts she already knew or go back and watch it again if she needed more help.  There are timely tests that the child can take and then answers the parents can see.

Their MATH Curriculum Software CD Includes,

  • Multimedia Lessons that use all three learning modalities – Audio, Visuals and Text
  • Interactive Quiz for each lesson with instant feedback and step-by-step instructions
  • Lesson Plan
  • Curriculum Book on CD
  • Printable Worksheets and Exams
  • Parental Guides – Solution Guides with step-by-step problem solving instruction

Premium Edition:

Includes all the core grade level contents listed above PLUS,

  • Progress Tracking and Reporting
  • Parental Controls
  • Weekly Certificate of Accomplishments

I watched the introductory portion and something that I think moms would like are that your child can take a pre test on their website to help decide where your child needs to be placed, and they offer recommended lesson plans to help you order in the future.    When the curriculum tests are completed the children can see where they missed answer when it shows you how to complete the problem correctly.  The website also offers a free multimedia lesson of the day and they are currently offering a 1 month free Online Homeschool trial.


APLUSTUTORSOFT.COM was nice enough to offer one lucky reader the math CD curriculum of their choice grade 1- Algebra 1.    For those of you who do not win or would like to get started now use code VBSAVEMORE to save 20% off your order!  Their sister site  is offering a free fractions software download.

In the spring of 2013 they plan to offer  a “game” engine which will allow students to play various educational games to practice problem solving further while having lots of fun.

LIke them on Facebook and earn entries in to the giveaway.  and

I received a product for my honest review and no other compensation was given.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. this sounds great! I like the idea of my son being taught visually instead of the dreaded workbook, especially has we are in 5th grade 🙂
    thank you for sharing!

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