August 12

Doomed to be different?


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Picking out girl baby names was so much fun. There are so many options. We played with several names for awhile but finally my husband picked out our first daughter's name with my blessing. It took us awhile to decide but finally  picked Alexis. Her middle name is Rae, after my husband's middle name but feminized.
My 2nd daughter was a little more difficult. I had her first name but I wanted to spell it different. I'm not sure why I wanted to plague my daughter with this. After all I grew up annoyed because my parents name me Mandie – Not Amanda, not Mandy but MANDIE. After Barry Manilow's song no less. I grew up constantly correcting people, especially my teachers who wanted to argue with me about my name. Eventually my parents came to me and asked if I wanted to change my name to Amanda. At that point I was who I was. I'm just not an Amanda.

So why would I do this to my daughter? Because it was her name. I just knew – It was Annah, the Old English version. As soon as I saw it I knew. Her middle name was a little more difficult but finally decided to name her Annah Marie, middle name the same as mine.

They say a lot is in a name. I'm different and I'm proud of it. Annah is  now 4 and loves her name…. for now anyway. She's definitely different.



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  1. I think that is a wonderful name–love the spelling. My daughter’s name is Martha, and you don’t hear that name too often. She is definitely a Martha!

  2. Oh I hear ya! Good for you with going with the name you felt was hers. Now I purposely made sure the boys names were spelt regular because being a Shari (Sherry) was hard. First of all growing up there was about 4 girls in my classes named some version of Sherry. Then I became Shari with an a. So when I was at home, my mom had to start saying “Shari with an a” or I wouldn’t answer LOL And I could never find anything with my name on it. So that was important to me, but I think everyone needs to use the name they like.

  3. Names can be so tricky sometimes. But when you know it’s right, it’s right! You picked beautiful names that I’m sure fit your daughters perfectly!

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