July 2

Freedom Reads Book Hop


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Welcome to my stop on the Freedom Reads Hop.
I have a lot of book reviews, excerpts, contests, and MORE!
I'm giving away an ecopy of Eternal Summer (My short story, eternally yours is in it) It's a perfect Summer read
Click on Picture to read about it


                                                                                                                   and a $10 Amazon GiftCard!


Fill out the form to Enter

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I’ve got friends coming to visit in a few weeks so that will be nice to see them and to break up my Summer of working.

  2. I am looking forward to moving into my new house. Well, not the moving part, living in the new house part. It is in the city but feels like your in the woods.

  3. I am looking forward to reading some awesome books this summer.

    Rafflecopter Name Dawna Newman

  4. Reading on the beach — especially the new releases by Ilona Andrews (Magic Rises) and Michelle Sagara (Cast in Sorrow).

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  5. I’m most looking forward to a family road trip we’re doing next month. It will be extra special because we’ll be celebrating my daughter’s birthday during the trip.

  6. Most of my big summer things have already happened: I took my vacation the first week of June (a 7 day Alaska cruise) and my 10 year anniversary was last weekend. I am having an anniversary part this weekend to celebrate though, and my husband’s birthday is next month and we will be going away for a long weekend.

  7. I’m looking forward to lots of reading time and swimming. I work in the schools (I’m a school psychologist), so I live for the extra time in the summer!

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