September 8

Recession Buster: 10 Steps To Managing Your Household Budget #Book


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Recession Buster: 10 Steps To Managing Your Household Budget

This book will lay down 10 simple steps to a structured way of dealing with the current recession and how to use your actual finances that are incoming to elevate and dictate to bill operators on how you will like to pay your own bills.
The reason behind this book is to acknowledge the fact that, there is a recession and majority of the people around the world are being squeezed with numerous outgoings. I understand the squeeze and I have come to understand the math behind household budgeting without the added stress.

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About the Author9489_10151234545702968_945455780_n

As an environmental architectural technologist, entrepreneur, writer, leader, mother, wife and mentor: I have always worked around issues that have affected me in one form or another, like run for local council in Galway city, Ireland, when I was directly affected by not having a playground close to my home. A former Council Housing representative for the community; working on housing policies (hence my Architectural background). My role in coordinating the first Ms Ebony in Ireland Pageant (Featured on Irish National TV Program: Pobal). This stems from the desire to work with the community and address social-economic issues, hence the birth of this book.



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