November 30

Holiday Oreo Pops Recipe


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Are you looking for a fun cookie to take to your Holiday parties? These are fun and sure to stand out. We will be taking a batch to our cookie exchange!

Holiday Oreo Pops Recipe

Ingredientsingredients (3)

1 Pkg. Oreos

Lollipop Sticks

16 oz.  Almond Bark

Red and Green Sprinkles


Melt Almond bark in a microwaveable bowl in 60, 30 and then 15 second intervals stirring between each until smooth.

Carefully separate the Oreo halves.  Place a Lollipop stick into the crème about halfway across the cookie.

in process 1 (1)

Replace the top. If they don’t stay together place a small amount of the melted bark inside and let set 8-10 minutes to keep the halves together.

Dip the Oreo into the melted Almond bark and coat one side, flip and repeat on the other side ensuring that the Oreo is completely covered.

Place the Oreo on a large fork.  Holding the fork level and working in a straight up and down motion so the Oreo doesn’t fall off, tap the fork on the edge of the bowl until the coating is smooth.  Lay the pop on wax or parchment paper.

While the Almond bark is still soft sprinkle with red and green sprinkles and let set at least 10 minutes.

Carefully remove the pops from the paper and store in an airtight container.



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  1. How cute. Oooohhhhh dip in melted andes mints? Mint and chocolate – nothing better….except peanutbutter and chocolate…lol

  2. This is such a great idea, I’m thinking I could make these for an upcoming holiday gathering. Thanks for sharing.

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