June 27

All for Hope by Olivia Hardin #AuthorGuestPost


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AllforHopebannerWhen he got home Brennan found the notebook computer open on the desk and a little pink sticky note on the screen. He knew Hope was probably out getting last minute things for Michelle’s birthday party that day, so he retrieved a can of soda from the fridge and sat down in front of the computer.

He chuckled and shook his head, then tapped the keyboard to bring the screen to life. It was a blog post called 50 Rules for Dads with Daughters. As he made his way through the list of rules his heart swelled and his eyes began to sting with restrained emotion. When he got to number 44 he paused and turned away from the screen, glancing out the window at the bright sunny day.

Write her a handwritten letter every year on her birthday.

Hope would probably call the grin on his face disarming, but that smile just got broader as he opened the desk drawer and retrieved a slip of paper and pen.

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About the Author – Olivia Hardin realized early on how strange she was to have complete movie-like character dreams as a child. Eventually she began putting those vivid dreams to paper and was rarely without her spiral notebooks full of those mental ramblings. Her forgotten vision of becoming an author was realized when she connected with a group of amazingly talented and fabulous writers who gave her lots of direction and encouragement. With a little extra push from family and friends, she hunkered down to get lost in the words. She’s also an insatiable crafter who only completes about 1 out of 5 projects, a jogger who hates to run, and is sometimes accused of being artistic, though she’s generally too much of a perfectionist to appreciate her own work. A native Texas girl, Olivia lives in the beautiful Lone Star state with her husband and their puppy Bonnie.

Connect with her Online –  Blog * Goodreads  * TwitterFacebook * Literary Addicts

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  1. Thanks so much for letting me share this special guest post and for being a part of the tour.

    Happy reading, All!


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