November 10

How To Get Rid of Head Lice


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Head lice can be contracted by sharing hats, combs, or brushes, and is most common at schools and day cares. It is important to know that lice are not caused by poor hygiene. Anyone of any age can get lice. Thankfully, it is relatively easy to get rid of. Here are some of the steps you can take.

The most common way to get rid of lice is to use special shampoos and combs. These kill the lice that are living in the hair and remove them. It is no longer necessary to shave the person's head to get rid of the lice. Be sure to use the product for as long as it says. While you may be able to see the bugs that are crawling in the hair, you may not be able to spot all of the eggs that may have been laid.

Many opt for a natural lice shampoo as opposed to those riddled with chemicals. Since children are more likely to contract lice, it is important to find shampoos that are not going to be as harsh on their sensitive skin. Natural lice shampoo utilizes essential oils, herbs, and sometimes vinegar to kill the lice and eggs without harming the scalp or hair. While there is still a risk of allergic reaction to the shampoo since the ingredients are natural, there is less of a chance that the user will experience pain or damage to the skin or hair.

Do not stop using the natural lice shampoo until the head has been free of lice for at least three days in a row. It is best to check in natural sunlight. Using a comb, separate sections of the hair to examine strands at least one inch from the scalp. While still infested, you may be able to see the bugs crawling around. If you see them, pick them out with tweezers. You may also be able to see the eggs that they lay. These will look like pieces of sand. You will have to look very carefully and thoroughly to determine if they are gone.

It is also important to wash anything that may have come in contact with the area. This means hats, bedding, coats, and more need to be washed to prevent the lice from coming back. Natural lice shampoo can take care of an infestation, but it is better to prevent it in the first place.

Maria Botham is the President of Hair Fairies and founded the company 13 years ago. With a degree in Physiology from Long Beach University, Maria has developed numerous companies and promoted their success. Her experience in creating and innovating businesses is what inspires her now. Maria is devoted to fully understanding head lice and its effects and continuing her research and treatment into eliminating head lice is a lifelong goal.


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  1. Lice is the worst! My daughter got it at school and it was so bad. I also got it and we had to wash everything in our house and spray the furniture with lice spray. I had to cut my daughters hair because it was so bad, and her hair is super thick. But then I cut my hair short too so she didn’t feel so bad 🙂 I never want to deal with that again!

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