December 16

Little Star Lullabies – Relaxing Instrumental Music to Help Babies and Children Sleep


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lullabys‘Little Star Lullabies – Relaxing Instrumental Music to Help Babies and Children Sleep' is a collection of eight pieces of music written especially to help calm and relax little ones. Each track has been composed to provide a reassuring ambiance so that babies and children can feel comforted. The lilting melodies on this album create a gentle atmosphere in which they can settle down to a good night's rest.

The compositions have been arranged for different combinations of instruments. Amongst these are flutes, glockenspiels, recorders, harps as well as a string orchestra, which have been harmonized to create a warmth of sound that wouldn't have been possible on synthesised instruments. It's an album crafted so that parents can also derive pleasure from listening to it. Each piece of music opens up and flows naturally so can be enjoyed in its own right. Although composed for younger children, people of all ages may also find the music on this disc soothing.

My girls are older but we all really enjoyed it. We played the music while doing our school work. It was very relaxing!

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