January 14

Planning a 1st birthday party


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yhst-96990552598725_2241_105445483There are many milestone events in a child’s life. From your baby’s first smile and first steps to the introduction of solid foods and more, there are many treasured events that you happily document in photos as well as in your little one’s baby book. Perhaps the most significant milestone in a child’s early years, however, relates to the 1st birthday party. While some events may be shared with others, such as when you call the baby’s grandparents and tell them about how your little one is sitting on his own for the first time, a first birthday is one that is celebrated by family and friends alike.

Planning a 1st birthday party can be a challenge. To get started, you will need to select the right theme. Some parents will choose a character-themed birthday, but others will opt for a non-character theme such as a pink party or a farm animal party. By a child’s first year of life, the baby has typically shown some preference with regards to liking animals, trucks, dolls or something else, and you may let this guide you. If your child does not seem to have a preference, you can choose a theme on your own this first year. Consider visiting Party Pail to explore just a few of the many themes that you can choose from. By using this website, you can also enjoy convenience in planning your party. You can easily place an order online for all of your matching party plates, napkins, banners, streamers and other items. In fact, after visiting this website and placing your order, most of your party planning work may be completed!


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