September 18

Real Ways Moms Can Work From Home Release Day Book Blast ($800 Prize)


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Today was release day for my first nonfiction book. I've been working at home for about ten years now and people ask me all of the time how I got started and how I do it. There was a lot of trial and error over the years but I put what I know in a book.

If you could change your life for less than $5 would you? I've spent that on my caramel macchiatos.


It's true–you can stay home with your children and still earn money! Work-at-home businesses are on the rise, and Mandie Stevens has been living this life for almost ten years.

Do you need to pay for dance lessons for your kids? Do you want to pay off credit card debt? Or do you need full-time income? You can do it. Find out how to get started with this book.

Purchase on Amazon / Barnes and Noble / iBooks / Kobo

Amazon ReviewThis book has websites and gives help as to how to build your audience. For someone like me it has to be dumbed down enough for me to understand and I had no problem following her how to’s. Other how to books lose me, they offer so much information that after a while it all seems Chinese to me. This book was point on and she tells it to you straight, you have to put yourself out there if you want to get something out of it.

Amazon Review – It gives real life tips and advice on how you can get started including websites you can visit. This is not a get rich quick scheme, but honest to goodness ways you can start a business from the comfort of your own home. The author does not sugar coat anything by saying it's easy and will just fall into your lap. She lets you know you have to work for it, but shows that it can be achieved. The book includes her testimony as well as that of several others who have been successfully doing this for years. This book is the real deal.

 Mandie Stevens has always been accused of living in her own world so she decided to put it to paper. When she isn’t writing you can catch her lounging on the beach reading. Mandie has penned both non-fiction and urban fantasy. She has ridiculously little feet and would be happy eating seafood every day.

Want a little extra help starting a blog? Check out this giveaway. OPEN WORLDWIDE. Must be 18+


 Fill out the form below to enter to win.

Ends 10/5
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