December 11

Sea Turtle Summer Review and Book Tour


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Sea Turtle Summer  SeaTurtle Summer cover

Bella and Britt think living by the beach is the coolest thing ever.  When they discover a Loggerhead Sea Turtle laying her eggs in broad daylight, the girls go into action to help. 

No one, though, seems to care about the nest.  The beach is a busy place and is getting busier by the minute on such a beautiful summer day.  What can they do?  Who will help, and what do they learn about themselves? 

As a bonus, Sea Turtle Summer contains kid appealing facts about sea turtles.

Read an excerpt!

Next morning, the girls looked carefully at the nest, making sure not to touch it.         

“Our stick’s still here, and everything seems okay,” observed Britt. 

Bella sighed.  “But there’s no sign of the ranger.” 

“And here comes the sand cleaner!” cried Britt.  “We have to do something fast.”   

“Quick!  Hold hands across the nest.  Maybe he’ll stop in time!” Bella yelled. 

The sand cleaning machine came to a squealing stop right in front of the girls. “What do you two think you’re doing?” bellowed the startled driver.   “You could have been hurt!” 

“We’re saving sea turtles!” they both shouted over the noisy vehicle. 

“Sorry, girls, but volleyball nets are going up right here in a few minutes,” said the driver.   “There’s an all city play-off this morning.” 

“Oh, no,” Bella sighed.  “What about the nest?”

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Nancy Stewart photo

About Nancy Stewart

After having been both an elementary school teacher, a university professor of education and a consultant for New Options, Inc. in New York City, Nancy Stewart writes children’s books full time.   She, her husband and three sons, lived in London for eight years, where she was a consultant to several universities, including Cambridge. 

 Her travels take her extensively throughout the world, most particularly Africa. Nancy is US chair of a charity in Lamu, Kenya, that places girls in intermediate schools to allow them to further their education. 

Nancy is the author of the Bella and Britt picture book series, One Pelican at a Time, Sea Turtle Summer, Bella Saves the Beach and Mystery at Manatee Key. All are published by Guardian Angel Publishing. Pelican was nominated for a Global eBook Award. 

She was featured in the PBS Tampa (WEDU) series, Gulfwatch.  It concerned the writing of One Pelican at a Time:  A Story of the Gulf Oil Spill. 

She and her family live in St. Louis and Tampa. 

Nancy’s web and blog sites are:

Mandie's Thoughts – My girls are very into nature. We spend hours walking and discovering plants and animals. My youngest love turtles both land and sea. She claimed this book as soon as it came in.

We live 3 mins from the beach and my girls study the sea turtle life cycle. They thought this book was awesome because they could identify what they knew with the book. They were even re-freshened on things they had forgotten.

This is a great FUN book to help supplement your science class (homeschooling or not).  Especially wonderful for children who do not live near the ocean. We will be referencing this book a lot and will highly recommend to our homeschooling groups.


Disclaimer – I received this fine book from Pump up your book for the Sea Turtle Summer tour for my honest opinion. No other compensation was received.



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