October 10

Star Wars Rebels DVD giveaway


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Guest Giveaway from Kat at Generations of Savings.

“If you remember last year I got to meet some pretty famous people on my first trip to LA. I was also able to interview the people behind Star Wars Rebels for the #StarWarsRebelsEvent!

Interview with Steve Blum & Taylor Gray

Interview with Vanessa Marshall and Tiya Sircar

Interview with Freddie Prinze Jr and Dave Filoni

I was sent Star Wars Rebels: Season One on Blu-ray for my kids and I to review. I only got to watch the first couple of episodes when I was on my trip and I saw a few when I got home when they aired on Disney XD but then we didnt have cable anymore. So I was super sad I missed the end. Until now. I watched all the way through again because it is awesome and well worth a second and third watch. Even my younger kids enjoyed watching because of the action scenes. Steve Blum is one of my favorite voice actors of all time. It was an honor interviewing him. He is my middle son's favorite as well. He calls him the angry one. This is an amazing series that I want to see more and more of. I love how the adventure continues and I am stuck on the edge of my seat waiting to see what will happen in season two. There better be a season two or I will cry. You can also get Season One on DVD and you can get Star Wars Rebels: A Spark of Rebellion on Amazon right now!”


In the first groundbreaking season of Star Wars Rebels, young hero Ezra Bridger joins the clever but motley crew of the starship Ghost in their resistance against the Empire. As the series begins, Imperial forces have occupied a remote planet, ruling with an iron fist and ruining the lives of its people. Ezra and his new rebel friends — Hera, Kanan, Sabine, Zeb and Chopper — embark on daring adventures in their fight against oppression across the galaxy, receiving help from familiar heroes such as Lando Calrissian, Ahsoka Tano, and Jedi Master Yoda. Pursued relentlessly by the Imperials and a Jedi hunter called the Inquisitor, this tenacious ragtag band of rebels will find itself in the crosshairs of none other than Darth Vader when season one closes in a shocking two-part finale.

Some of the bonus features on the Blu-ray:

  • Rebels Infiltrates Star Wars Celebration (Exclusive to Blu-ray)
  • Season One shorts: “The Machine in the Ghost,” “Art Attack,” “Entanglement,” “Property of Ezra Bridger”
  • All DVD Bonus (see below)


  • Rebels Recon: 14 behind-the-scenes featurettes
  • Star Wars Rebels – The Ultimate Guide
  • Star Wars Rebels Season 2 – A Look Ahead

Star Wars Rebels Photo Gallery



Enter to win Star Wars Rebels: Season One on blu-ray, a Star Wars Rebels Stormtrooper Blaster, and Star Wars Rebels Zip-Up Stationary Kit. This giveaway ENDS 10/15 at 11:59 pm CST.


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