May 30

Team Umizoomi: UniGames Availabe June 5


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As a homeschooling mom I am a HUGE fan of this show. It is perfect for my five year old because it gently introduces mathematical concepts like numbers, counting, computations, measurements, and patterns. It's fun and Annah LOVES math. I love having the dvd because I can stick it in when I need to.

Team Umizoomi’s newest release, Umigames, will get your preschoolers in the Summer Olympics spirit.  Mili, Geo and Bot use their mighty math powersto navigate their way through the action-adventure missions.  Fun kid-friendly pop music sets the background and bright graphics draw the eye.  Appropriate math curriculum fills this 96 minute, 4 episode DVD:

  • Umi Sport Games: Team Umizoomi is playing in the biggest sports event around: the Umi Games! To win the Super Sports Trophy, Milli, Geo and Bot must defeat the robotic athletes.
  • Boardwalk Games: Team Umizoomi’s friend Ryan wants to win a toy helicopter at the Boardwalk Carnival. Milli, Geo and Bot play carnival games to earn tickets and help Ryan win the special prize.
  • Crazy Skates: Bot decides to give roller-skating a try but when he puts on a pair of “crazy skates” by accident, he starts rolling out-of-control all cross Umi City. Milli and Geo must rescue their runaway robot pal.
  • Carnival: Jake calls in from his class trip at the Umi City Carnival.  The class is having a great time on all the rides but Jake lost his favorite stuffed animal Bunny!  Team Umizoomi takes the Umicar to the carnival to help Jake rescue his stuffed animal.

Look for this DVD to release June 5th, but  pre-order your copy of Team Umizoomi: Umigames now for your pre-schooler or kindergartener. (Even my seven year old watches it.)

A copy was provided for review purposes.


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