October 15

Toffee Cellar Toffee Review and Sweeps


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by Meridith

I love Toffee.  I just love it.  There is arguably no better candy concoction than toffee, and the folks at Toffee Cellar have made toffee making an art form.

I was so excited to receive a 1lb box of toffee from Toffee Cellar.  The provided me with a half pound of peanut butter, and a half pound of white chocolate cashew for review.  I was so impressed with how beautifully wrapped the package was.   They even included a small personalized card in the box.  I couldn't help but make a mental note, “holiday gift!”   Their prices are also incredibly fair for what you get, and how it arrives.  They shipped my package priority mail and even in the hot Florida sun, it arrived in perfect condition.

The packaging was beautiful, but how was the toffee?  Divine!  I am a toffee fan, and have had tried many styles and brands, and this is by far the BEST I have ever had.  I wish you knew how much of a compliment that really is.  The peanut butter toffee was buttery and rich, with the perfect amount of peanut butter flavor to keep it from overwhelming the toffee.  The white chocolate cashew had the perfect white chocolate, the kind that you usually have to buy fancy truffles to enjoy.

The folks at Toffee Cellar have so many incredible flavors as well as the traditional milk chocolate.  My holiday list already includes the chocolate S'mores and the white blueberry almond.  You can try them for yourself with a 1lb combo for just $19.99.  Or, you can win one for yourself by entering the contest below.  Either way, you have got to try this toffee!

I received a product for my honest opinion and no other compensation was given.  Winner must conact us with 48 hours of being emailed or another winner will be draw.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. Have to agree with others – the dark chocolate almond toffee is calling my name. I’d also love to try the White Cranberry Cashew; I like all those flavors but can’t seem to combine them in my mind and figure out how they would come across as toffee.

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