May 27

Welcome, Reluctant Stranger Book Blast $.99


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WelcomereluctantstrangerLeilani's mother has never set foot in her school until the day she whisks her children out of their Pacific Island country, without their father and without explanation. Eighteen years later, Leilani just wants to leave the past behind, move forward.

She has settled peacefully in California and like her long-lost father, she heals people. But her tranquil existence is disturbed one evening.

A computer nerd and culinary whiz with a biting sense of humor, Justin is brokenhearted from the loss of his girlfriend who has left him after seven years. All he wants is to drown his sorrows. But he finds more trouble than he's looking for when thugs assault him.

On her way home from work, Leilani sees the assault. An ace with a gun, she rescues him.

Weeks later, they meet again and find themselves attracted to each other. Fearing Justin is on the rebound, or has a rescuer complex, Leilani doesn't want to get involved.

But Leilani cannot deny her feelings. As they begin to fall in love, her past comes back to haunt her.

A friend of her father arrives with news which forces her mother to reveal a shocking, shameful secret–the truth about the role Leilani's father played in a deadly political web.

Can Leilani deal with the truth? But hero or villain, he is her father and only she and Justin can rescue him from the island she'd left long ago.

At the core of this women's fiction is an Asian woman-white man interracial romance spun with international political intrigue and a young woman's acceptance of her past. Welcome Reluctant Stranger is Book 3 in a family saga. In three tales of loss, love, second chances, and finding one's way, three strong women cope with issues contemporary women face.

Only $.99 on Amazon

SPR Independent Woman Authors 2015 bronze awardee Evy Journey has always been fascinated with words and 61KYqdGx5XL._UX250_seduced by beautiful prose. She loves Jane Austen and invokes her spirit every time she spins tales of love, loss, and finding one's way–stories she interweaves with mystery or intrigue and sets in various locales.

She's lived and traveled in many places, from Asia to Europe. Often she's ended up in Paris, though–her favorite place in the world. She's become something of an observer-wanderer. A flâneuse, as the French would say.

The mind is what fascinates her most. So, armed with a Ph.D., she chose to work in mental health, researching and developing programs. And writing like an academic. Not a good thing if you want to sound like a normal person. So, she's written fiction (happy fiction) as an antidote.


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