October 6

Winterkill by P.H. Turner Author Interview


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About Winterkill

coverTitle: Winterkill

Author: P.H. Turner

Genre: Romantic Suspense

A beautiful reporter and a charming rancher are caught in a web of mayhem, murder…and lust.

Reporter Sawyer Cahill returns home to Cheyenne, Wyoming to report for the local station. But leaving behind the coverage of the gangland murders of San Antonio only lands her smack in the middle of the ritualistic animal mutilations. Harassed and threatened by the  freak behind the bizarre murders, Sawyer plunges into her investigation, reaping the attentions of two local ranchers.

Local rancher, Jake Spooner, tangles with a tug of war relationship with Sawyer. Tormented between his smoldering desire for Sawyer and his wish to keep her safe, their passion flames in a mountain snow storm.

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Thank you P.H. for stopping by to spend some time with us. Tell us about your latest book.

Winterkill is on sale now. My latest book is Death&Desire and will come out March of 2015.Taylor McWhorter reports for the only television news station in northern Arizona, a land of high mountains, rocky canyons and the Navajo Nation. She falls in love with tribal cop Trace Yazzie who honors his native beliefs of ghosts and shape shifters that is far  from her Scottish teachings.

She investigates an old uranium mine full of surprises that sits at the mouth of  Kaih canyon. Looters digging into Anasazi burial sites in the canyon stir up a Navajo shape shifter who targets her as she searches for the explosive truth about the mine.

Where did the idea for the book come from? 

This is a love story set in my favorite location, northern Arizona, and around the Navajo people whose journey for harmony and living unfettered by possessions appeals to my need for peace and order.

Death&Desire is a celebration of cross cultural love and harmonious working relationships among diverse people. It is also the dark story of chaos and violence along our southern border. Death&Desire debuts March of 2015

Who and what inspire you to write? I rode the light rail to work and each day as women got on the train they pulled out a Kindle or a book to read. All of us were of the age to have a family and responsibilities waiting when we returned home. I realized one day on the train that the 30-60 minutes on the train each day was probably our only time to ourselves. I wanted to write books for women to enjoy in their ‘downtime' whenever that may be.

 Each author has his or her own inspiring journey. How did you begin writing? I begin writing news and then produced news and finally ran an educational television station. I met a lot of characters, heard a lot of stories, and decided to write my own.

 What has been the most pleasant surprise about writing? I love creating vibrant characters involved in exciting work and complicated love relationship.  How about an unexpected down side? Someone has to die!

 Do you have any writing rituals? Yes. I arise early, drink a ton of coffee, and read two newspapers. I am at my desk writing before eight a.m. and write until about two in the afternoon. I view writing like a factory job. If you are not in the factory working every day, then there is not output at the end of the assembly line.

Do you write your books in order? Yes, and I only work on one title at time.

 Any favorite writing snacks? No, I would have to enlarge the doorway to the office. Writing is sedentary and I do try to get the gym most days. But no snacking!

What advice would you give writers who aspire to be published? Target editors and houses who publish what you write and send out a good query letter and summary.

 Are you working on anything new right now? Yes. Under the Dark Moon is the story of human trafficking across the Mexican border into Arizona and across the Navaho Nation. Taylor  and Trace continue their love story.

 Who is your favorite character in your current book? Taylor. She is a bold and courageous woman like so many of us.

What is your favorite book of all time? Gone with the Wind, the story of a woman who stood strong for her family and their land.

Tell us in one sentence why we should read your book. If you like intrigue, suspense, and two strong willed lovers, you'll enjoy Winterkill and Death&Desire.


Author Bio

PH TurnerTeaching and shooting news and documentaries took me to work on the East and West coasts, the Midwest and an island in the Gulf of Mexico. Born a fourth generation Texan, I live in Austin with an energetic mutt that waits patiently every day for me to come home and work on my second novel.




Kensington Books


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