In Your IRS Refund you will find all the information you will need about an IRS refund, from the options that you have to get your refund, to getting a bigger refund, and getting it faster. In addition, we include little known IRS refund topics, like what to do when you have an expired refund, what to do if you get an unexpected IRS refund and much more.
This is the PERFECT book to help you out with your taxes and Cora Parks is a lifelong Atlantan whose vision is to bring proactive tax counsel and personal responsibility to the masses in the area of taxation.
She is the author and editor of the financial blog Tax Today, a blog that provides readers with information on an array of federal tax topics. She is currently collaborating with PYPTW Inc, a nonprofit organization to start a low income tax clinic in metro Atlanta.
Buy yourself a copy before you do your taxes, you won't be sorry! Get it HEREÂ (You do not need a kindle. You can download a reading app for your phone or computer!)
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I received a copy for my honest review, no other compensation was received.
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