August 1

Zamberg Review and Sweeps


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by Meridith is a premier distributor of first-rate German, Solingen made steel products to the U.S.  They offer one coolest and most extensive selection of “world-renowned steel instruments featuring German craftsmanship, refined over the centuries, and distinguished by their superior styles, precision and elegance. ”  They also offer one the best return policies in the industry with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and a 90 day return policy.

I was super excited when we were given the opportunity to try out their Famous TopInox® Stainless Steel Nail Clipper by Niegeloh.  I had never really thought about differences in quality in nail clippers, but when I opened them for the first time even the feel in my hand was superior to my other store bought clippers.  I have tiny toes and usually use nail clippers on my toes so I decided to try them out on my toe nails.  The first clip was so smooth and quick and each one after was the same.  I honestly was shocked at the quality of each cut.  There was no need to wiggle through the nail, as I had with my old nail clippers.  Each cut was thorough and smooth without ragged edges and almost no need to even file after I was done!  My husband tried them out next.  His nails are definitely thicker than mine so I was concerned he may not have the same experience, but he loved them!  He said the same thing I did, that he didn't realize how much of a difference the right pair of clippers will make.

We were also provided a pair of TopInox® Stainless Steel Baby Scissors by Niegeloh, Germany and Amber reviewed these with her two youngest children.  She said:

I recently tried the Topinox baby safety scissors on both my 12 month old and my 3 year old. My 12 month old never sits still for this, but the safety tips on these safety scissors made it super easy to slip under the nail and clip it without accidentally catching any skin, and since their little fingers are small it just takes one little cut to cause a big scene.  These scissors are smooth and quick.  I'm a pretty nervous nail trimmer too and I found these very easy to use to trim the nails. They are stainless steel and look very sturdy and well made. Great product!

Zamberg also has a huge selection of many other self care products including products for the face, shaving sets, and awesome gifts for the man in your life like this cool humidor.  One of the coolest items on is a DIABOLO M” Women's Manicure Set in a Black Leather Case.  This set features five high quality nickel plated instruments handcrafted by experts in Solingen, Germany.  The fantastic folks at are giving one lucky reader the chance to own this manicure set!  Find out how to enter below.

I was given products for my honest review and no other compensation was given.
a Rafflecopter giveaway



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  1. i couls really really use these because i am going to NAIL TECHNICIAN school in October.

    Ohh, i could also use the mani pro super max electric nail file.

  2. my favorite product is the KROKO XL” 24K Gold-plated Women’s Manicure Set in Red Leather Case by Niegeloh – if I could afford it!

  3. Oooh love this set Very smart!! Definitely an improvement on the ones I use – except the Boy might borrow them more!

  4. Luxury and Complete Manicure&Pedicure Set in Black Leather Case by Erbe, Germany- Bestseller! is a favorite

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

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