June 9

10 Kitchen Hacks to Make Your Life Easier


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When it comes to cleaning my philosophy is there is ALWAYS an easier way and in many times a more natural way. I've been spending some time organizing the house and trying to make everything homemade that I can. (I'll be putting up some great posts soon!)

Until then I thought I'd share some Kitchen Hacks that have helped me from some other bloggers.

Kitchen Hacks

1. 5 Key Sink Organization ~A Prudent Life – YES!! This is so simple but sometimes that is what it takes. I went through and threw a bunch of things away too. It was invigorating!

2. Homemade Dishwasher Tabs ~Kicking It with Kelly – I already had everything on hand. Sometimes I make my own homemade laundry detergent so I was excited to see I could make my own dishwasher tabs. I will let you know how they work soon!

3. How to Clean Your Dishwasher with Tang ~One Creative Mommy – I had no idea! I had to go buy some Tang because we don't drink it but yes, it works! You should try it!

4. How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies ~Our Small Hours – I have a lot of fruit on the counters since that is so much of our diets and yes, fruit flies are a major pain in the butt.  I've used wine but I can see where this would work too.

5. How to Make Organic Fruit and Vegetable Wash Spray ~Our Family of Seven – What? I don't have to buy some for $3 – $5 a bottle? Awesome! I have this on hand too.

6. Clean Microwave without Scrubbing Chemicals ~Simply Stacie – We haven't used a microwave in about 12 yrs (YES! You can survive!) but I loved this so much I thought I'd pass it on to you.

7. Cleaning with Vinegar ~Creating & Co – I use vinegar in a lot of cleaning, especially my floors. This is a good one for the microwave as well. No excuse for it to be icky!

8. Kitchen Hack Grease Oven Racks ~Thrifty DIY Diva – This is so simple. In fact I wish I would have thought of it but I didn't so I'm sharing…. and doing it.

9. How to Remove Rust Stains from Knives ~Thrifty Jinxy – This is sooo incredibly easy. We used to do it in a restaurant I managed and it works!

10. How to Clean Up Oil Spills in the Kitchen ~One Creative Mommy  – This works wonderfully and if you dropped eggs on the floor put salt on them and they will harden making them easier to clean.

What is your favorite kitchen hack? Or any household hack? I'm always looking for ways to do things easier!



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  1. These are good tips many I didn’t know about. I’ve been trying to clean some now b/c as soon as it gets dark early I can’t do it again until next spring.

  2. What great ideas these are. I always hear about using vinegar to clean with, I need to try this. The cleaning your microwave idea is great too, I got smart and use a platter cover and it helps a lot with keeping it clean in the first place.

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