July 28

$150 Amazon e-gift card giveaway


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AMAZON$150GIFTCARDKINSIGHTSWelcome to the Kinsights $150 Amazon gift card Giveaway!

Sponsored by Kinsights

Hosted by Bonkers4coupons

I am thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Kinsights to bring you an opportunity to win a $150 Amazon Gift Card.

You all know that Taking Time for Mommy doesn't do too many giveaways other than books but we saw this and was  excited to bring this fun giveaway to our fans! Check out the sponsor and we hope one of you wins!

Kinsights is a social network that is made just for parents like us! It's designed to have your children's health information or records sent to a ER or out of town doctor within minutes. Kinsights is an online Pediatric Personal Healthcare Record Keeper for parents. Those days of being on vacation or out of town and not having that personal documents or health records on hand are a thing of the past. You can organize your children's growth, milestones, developments, medications, immunizations, allergies and more!

This online tool is amazing and is a blessing for parents to have. Kinsights also offers a community where parents can ask a question, safely seek and share answers to parents questions. You can ask anything and Kinsights will find the right community member who can provide the guidance or answers that are needed.

kinsights imagineKinsights also offers groups with similar interests to their own pages which includes single parents, grandparents, groups of safety, fashion, potty training and many more.

One of the website features that I admire is how Kinsights makes finding the best answers easy. When the community members answer, the best content rises to the top. It's convenient, easy to manage and an excellent resource for all parents.

I recommend all readers to take a moment and check out this very informative Kinsights website.

Now you have a chance to enter to win an Amazon $150 e-gift card.

This giveaway is open to US residents, must be 18+ to enter and ends August 11th.

Good Luck!

Bonkers4coupons and the blogs participating are not responsible for prize fulfillment/shipment. Bonkers4coupons received monetary compensation for the hosting of this giveaway.Giveaway will be open to US residents only, 18+ to enter. Confirmed winners will contacted by email , you will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner will be picked. Kinsights.com is responsible of delivery for prize fulfillment. This event is in no way associated with, sponsored or endorsed by facebook, twitter, pinterest or any other social media outlet. This disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10CFR Part 255 Guides/Concerns the use of endorsements and testimony of advertising. For questions and concerns email Michele @Mdickerson316@gmail.com.



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  1. already a member of kinsights (bianca roman/yobonks@gmail.com)
    instagram: megatons
    youtube: bianca roman/yobonks@gmail.com

  2. I would make up little snack packets for my grandchildren and make sure they have plenty to do while traveling, reading, coloring, etc…

  3. i’ve never actually been on ‘vacation’ unless you count going to see my aunt for thanksgiving a couple years back haha..my son was 6 weeks when we first went, so i felt i had to bring the whole house in order not to forget something.

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