June 9

3 Reasons to Stay off Property for your Disney Vacation


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Brought to you by Westgate Resorts.

If you are a regular fan of Taking Time for Mommy you that that we are HUGE fans of Disney! So much so thatlast year we had annual Disney passes and it was so much fun! I live about an hour and forty-five minutes away and sometimes the drive was taxing so we'd vacation and stay for a few days. I've stayed both on and off property and both have their perks but I have to admit that I like staying off property better and here is why…

       1. The Cost – When it comes down to it we are on a budget when we vaycay. Especially when we are doing multiple trips a year to Orlando with our season passes. Even if you aren't on a strict budget you get so much more bang for your buck when you stay off property! With a Westgate Orlando Vacation there are packages as low as $99 for 4 days, 3 nights! Holy cow, that is cheap! That is one night when you stay on property if not more. Another thing I love about staying at Westgate Orlando is that there are shuttles to take you to all the parks! Another great way to save money.

       2. Amenities – The rooms are bigger when you stay off-site from Disney and there is soooo much to do. There is something for the entire family. If your kids are like mine they'll love all of the pools (and they'll want to try each and every one out! I love the free internet because I can still do some work. My husband loves the great restaurants and there is even a  babysitting club if you need a little break. (Especially by Disney standards.)

       3. Down time – As much as I LOOVE Disney sometimes I need a breather and my husband most certainly does. After a few days at the parks we are ready to sit by the pool or get a massage. Even my girls are asking for pool time or to cuddle in the room and watch a movie or play games. It is nice to have to option. Sometimes when we've stayed on-site we never left at all and I felt trapped. I like the option to go have dinner somewhere else and once again, it is always much cheaper when you are off property.

Have you stayed off property when visiting Disney before?Didn't you love it? Tell us your tips to save money when you stay off property!

Be sure to check out these Discount Disney Vacation Packages!


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