May 31

Unfinished Business Book Blast


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UnfinishedbusinessbannerUnfinished BusinessGenre: Chic Lit, Paranormal
When Angela's mother Fran dies and comes back as a ghost, Angela's ordinary life turns into a carnival show, starring both Angela and her nosy, dead mother. It seems Fran's got some unfinished business on earth and she's determined to get it done, no matter what. When Fran returned, she reignited her daughter's long suppressed psychic gift, one she neglected to mention to Angela, and now Angela sees ghosts everywhere.

And they won't leave her alone.

Fran can't help but stick her transparent nose where it doesn't belong, making Angela's life even crazier. Now Angela has to find a way to keep her old life in tact and help the dead with their unfinished business, all while trying to keep her dead mother out of trouble. And it's a lot for one woman to handle.

Purchase Unfinished Business:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

About the AuthorCarolyn Ridder Aspenson

Carolyn Ridder Aspenson is a freelance writer based in Cumming, GA. She lives with her husband and three children, two dogs and one cat. Carolyn doesn't see ghosts, but swears she'd be okay with it, as long as it was only during daylight hours.


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