December 10

5 Fun Things to do with Children on Christmas Eve


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Brought to you by ISeeMe

5 Fun Things to do with Children on Christmas Eve

In my house Christmas Eve is just as important as Christmas. We make a big event out of it and have so much fun! I've included 5 Fun Things to do with Children on Christmas Eve.

  1. Make cookies with the kids. – We always make cookies to take the next day to my in-laws and this is a great time to make cookies to leave out for Santa.
  2. Have a cocoa bar – Make homemade cocoa and line up all of the goodies. Marshmallows, candy canes, and whipped cream are the way tot go.
  3. Break out those new jammies – we get the girls new jammies every Christmas eve to cuddle up with.
  4. Watch Christmas movies – We cuddle up in our new jammies, sip on cocoa, eat cookies, and watch The Santa Clause. we do this every single year!
  5. Read a Christmas book before bed – Before we shut out the lights we read a fun Christmas story!

This year we got a book from The girls and I have already read it together but we'll read it again on Christmas eve with daddy.  They absolutely LOVED the fact that their names were in this fun Christmas book.IMG_0683

Your children will have so much fun finding their names in the book. This is the perfect gift for your children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews!!

Order by December 16th for delivery before Christmas within the continental US. Select “Guaranteed Christmas Delivery” at check-out.

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2-home-page-about-1Personalized Storybooks for Kids

Kids love being the stars of their very own stories, so just imagine their delight when they discover that their new storybook has a very familiar hero. Personalized storybooks from I See Me! make children feel special while encouraging important skills such as reading, letter recognition, and learning to spell their own names.

Beautifully illustrated and professionally bound, customized books from I See Me! take quality and personalization to the next level. Animals might bring letters one by one to spell out your child’s name. Fairies might bring the letters of your child’s name and then crown her as their fairy princess. The hero might have the same hair color and skin tone as your child, or a photograph of your child’s face might be playfully incorporated into the illustrations.

Storybooks from I See Me! can help children develop basic reading skills, teach them to recognize their own name in print and lay the groundwork for writing their own names. These entertaining books also build self-esteem by celebrating the uniqueness of each child.

View All Personalized Books


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  1. I always make Christmas cookies with the kids and we watch a lot of fun Christmas movies. It always gets me in the Christmas spirit watching these shows.

  2. We will be making cookies, watching Christmas movies and wearing our new pajamas. It is so much fun for the kids this time of year!

  3. I like the idea of a Cocoa Bar. We all love hot chocolate and the goodies that go with it. Drinking hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies is fun to do with my grandson.

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