May 12

$60 Target Gift Card #Giveaway (ends 5/31)


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Join Us for Our May $60 Target Gift Card Giveaway (ends 5/31)

The month of May is in full swing. The flowers are blooming and the blue skies, (with some clouds, some rain) it shows that we are finally past winter.

What a better way to celebrate the new season than winning a $60 Target Gift Card? Just enter below, quite a few you can come back and do daily! This gives you more chances at winning!

So grab your iced tea or lemonade and start entering! We are so glad you stopped by!

You must be 18 years + and a resident of the US. The winner will be notified at the conclusion of the giveaway and have 48 hours to respond. If no response a new winner will be notified and the first winner will forfeit their prize. What U Talking Bout Willis is the only blog responsible for the prize award.


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