May 8

From My Garden – Tuscan Pasta Primavera

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Consideration was provided by Bertolli®
From My Garden – Tuscan Pasta Primavera 
Bring Tuscany to your Table
It seems we have skipped spring this year and are experiencing summertime already here in Florida. It is a little hot but my garden is loving it. We've already had tomatoes and green peppers and they have so many new blooms.
This year we had a couple of volunteers; we weren't sure what they were until recently. It seems we have a big beautiful tomato plant and a zucchini.
We also have corn we just planted (I'll have a post coming on that soon), collard greens, kale, and so much more. We'll be picking food all summer long.
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It is so much fun to go outside with a basket and pick delicious fresh foods.  You never know what is ready to be eaten but it can make planning dinner …. interesting.
That is why Pasta Primavera is one of my favorite dishes to make from the garden. I can use whatever is ready or whatever produce I got a good deal on at the grocery store or farmers' market.
It is incredibly easy to make and can feed a big, healthy family.
We like our Tuscan pasta primavera made with Bertolli® Alfredo sauce because quality is important to us. 
Bertolli® is made with real cream and cheese!
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 This dish is so colorful! I got a great deal on mushrooms and added some things from the garden that were ready. We had bell pepper, tomato, surinam cherries, garlic, and we had harvested onions this winter.

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I sauté them by layers. I let the olive oil heat up a bit then add the onion and garlic. Once you can really smell it I add the peppers and cook them down before adding the mushroom. When it has cooked down a little, I add the tomato and cherries last. (You don't have to add the surinam cherries, I had some growing and wanted to use them up.)

You can use ANY vegetables you have on hand! I will be making this again as soon as my zucchini is ready.

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 Cook it all together for a bit. Usually 5 or 10 minutes depending on what vegetables you have. It will smell sooooo good!!! Once the vegetables are ready, add your creamy Bertolli Alfredo sauce.

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I usually add about half of the jar because I like mine chunky but if you use the entire thing it goes farther with the pasta. Especially helpful if you have a large family that loves Italian food!


Isn't this beautiful? It smelled so good and of course was delicious! Bertolli is celebrating 150 years of bringing Tuscany to your table. With its authentic taste and quality ingredients, Bertolli pasta sauces are a key ingredient in homemade dishes.

Viva Bertolli and join me in celebrating 150 years of delicious Italian food, friends and family. Felice Anniversario and Buono Appetito!

As Bertolli celebrates its 150th anniversary, they also want to help you commemorate your special moments this year big and small. Check out their Facebook page to see  how you can win a dinner celebration and other prizes!!


Visit Bertolli on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, for more inspirations and ideas to bring Tuscany to your table.


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  1. Although I do not have a garden I do so appreciate veggies–all kinds of veggies and pasta is something I male all the time–it is so quick and easy and filling. I do love Bertolli sauces–not so much Alfredo (I just don’t like any Alfredo sauces) but I love their tomato varieties. No reason not to use a red sauce instead of the white one in this recipe that I can see!
    Michele recently posted..Book Review-Elijah Hael-The Genetic Code-Steve GoodwinMy Profile

    1. exactly! We have to do the white because my husband can’t do the red although fresh tomatoes are fine.

    1. You can use whatever is on sale in the produce section. When August comes around I will be sweating to death wishing I was where you are 😉

  2. This looks really really good. Yummy!! I have never heard of surinam cherries before they look interesting indeed. I am going to have to make this for sure. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This is so easy and sounds delicious! I am jealous you can go out back and pick your own fresh foods to feed your family. A vegetable garden is definitely on my “must-have” list for our next home!
    Melissa Roy recently posted..I Love PregnancyMy Profile

  4. I bet it tastes even better knowing you grew most of the ingredients! This looks like a very refreshing Spring or Summer meal!

  5. This looks like such a delicious dish. I will have to try this recipe on the weekend. I am sure the kids will love it.

  6. I love, love, love this. Back in MD we used to grow everything and wish we could do the same here in Texas. This sounds like a great recipe. Very delicious looking.

  7. this sure packs a wallop! so easy and so pretty, and delish! I envy your gardens are so flush already, ppl are starting to put in their seeds. This is the first time I’ve seen or heard of surinam cherries – so cool!

  8. This recipe looks beautiful and sounds so delicious! Your garden sounds wonderful; I remember when I was able to have one…then the squirrels took over. I really miss homegrown tomatoes! This TUSCAN PASTA PRIMAVERA will be, what’s for dinner real soon. Thanks for the recipe!

  9. How wonderful that you go outside and pick your dinner. 🙂 I wish we had the space. It looks and sounds deliciou. Very colorful. Thanks for sharing.
    Carol L

  10. Just by looking at the picture m mouth is watering. Really enjoy the easy to go recipes, since I dont always have the time to spend hours in the kitchen. This one is perfect, thanks for the great recipe. And btw, you have a beautiful garden!!!

  11. I have never tried Bertolli sauces before and would love to. This recipe looks so wonderful and I know my family would love it.

  12. Oh my gosh==yummmmmm– this is one our family’s favorite sauces, and shamefully we are a big pasta eating family– thanks for sharing a great recipe

  13. THis both sounds and looks delicious. I love using fresh ingredients when I cook. Bertoli makes good products.

  14. I have never seen Surinam cherries, I had to look them up. It’s great you’ve been able to reap such a harvest. I’ve had difficulty adjusting to gardening in Florida.

    1. I had to learn that you can’t grow everything here. You have to grow what grows. You have to water a lot and to feed the soil.

  15. This looks so good. I love cold dishes like that in the summer. I wish I had that much luck with my garden. It is still early yet but the plants just don’t look strong and healthy like yours do.

  16. Bertolli is my favorite brand when it comes to jarred pasta sauces. I love how quick and easy this recipe is plus it’s a great way to get more veggies into my family.

  17. This is a great way for children to eat more vegetables. I let them help make it. Thanks for the idea.

  18. This kept looking so good I went to the store and got the Bertolli sauce. The family loved it. It is such a great warm weather dish.

  19. It makes such a big difference to both the taste and the healthfulness of the pasta when you cad add fresh ingredients to the recipe.

  20. You really have a knack for putting together a great dish that isn’t overwhelmingly complicated or expensive – super yum!

  21. This has inspired me to make more cold salads and dishes for the summer. The possibilities are endless. Thank you.

  22. YUMMY Yummy this sounds delicious, I would love to go out and pick fresh veggies for my sauces, but your alfredo sauce looks wonderful, I have never heard of surinam cherries, but they are interesting to look at will have to look them up, thank you for sharing another wonderful Bertolli recipe,

  23. How wonderful this appears, you can also add some Bertolli spaghetti sauce to the alfredo sauce and it makes a pink sauce that my grandson loves, and it lessens the tomato taste for those with sensitive stomach, I can eat Bertolli anyway and all styles.

  24. Bertolli makes the best white sauce in a jar, and your healthy fresh Tuscan Pasta primavera looks so delicious and I want to make this recipe!

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