June 28

7 Beach Essentials You Didn’t Know You Needed


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7 Beach Essentials You Didn’t Know You Needed7 Beach Essentials You Didn’t Know You Needed

Beach season is here, and while you might know you need to back the beach blanket and the sunscreen, there may be a few beach essentials you didn’t know you needed. This year, arrive to the beach prepared so you can make the most of your trip! Take a look below at 7 beach essentials you didn’t know you needed so you make your next beach trip one to remember.

1. A lint roller.

A simple lint roller can help take sand and debris off of clothing and skin before you get back into the car. It can help make clean up easier and will no doubt keep your car cleaner. Plus, lint rollers are cheap so you can afford to take a few.

2. Lavender oil.

Lavender oil can help soothe any bug bites and burns. It can also help you feel more relaxed on the car ride home and can help relax everyone after an eventful day. Pack a lavender oil roller so you have it on hand should you need it.

3. Gallon sized Ziploc baggies.

These baggies are great for bringing home wet clothing and bathing suits, and are also great for bringing home any trash or disposables that you don’t want to litter. Take all of your snacks in these bags, and once empty use them to take wet items home.

4. A colorful balloon.

What on Earth would you need a colorful balloon for? To help your party find you! Blow up a colorful balloon and tie it to your beach chair. This way if kids drift off and get lost, they can see the bright balloon floating and find you quickly.

5. Baby wipes.

Whether you have a baby with you or not, baby wipes are great for quick clean up. They can help clean tanning lotion off of hands, sand off of skin, and dirt and debris off of toys. Bring a package of baby wipes with you for quick and easy clean up, and don’t forget a trash bag to toss them in when done.

6. Food coloring.

Food coloring can be fun for turning sand various colors and even coloring the water. Add colored water to spray bottles so you can make colorful crayon creations and invite children to be creative and imaginative. Toss in a few spray bottles and food coloring for an afternoon of colorful fun that kids won’t soon forget.

7. An empty produce netting.

Save those produce nettings that come around limes, lemons, and oranges. They are perfect for storing beach toys in! When you need to rinse them you can dip the whole bag under the water and let the water run through for a quick clean. Save those nettings and don’t forget to throw them in your beach bag during your next trip.

Make your next beach trip a phenomenal one. Give these 7 beach essentials you didn’t know you needed your consideration and see how amazing your next beach trip can be.

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  1. Great ideas, especially the balloon! My tip for after the beach – if you have horible sunburn, brew some tea, soak a towel in it and lay it on your sunburn for about 30 minutes. It will fade the sunburn by the next day.

  2. These are all good ideas! I recall getting lost at the beach once, and my dad went out looking for me, I remember how scared I was. If there was a balloon I probably wouldn’t have wandered so far that I couldn’t find my way back!

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