July 1

$75 Vacation Pay Day #Giveaway


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We aren't going on a big vacation this year. In a few weeks the hubby and I are going to the Keys at the end of the month I'm going to a book convention for 4 days. We usually do family vacations in November. I know $75 extra would be me some good. Maybe buy dinner? Pay for tickets to do something fun? That is why I joined in on this fun contest.

Winner must 18+ years old, giveaway is open Worldwide. Entries will be verified. Winner will have 48 hours from email notification to respond.

Disclosure: Disney Grandma is responsible for awarding PayPal Cash. Prize will be sent to your PayPal upon verification within 48 hours of email reply (from you). No other blog that is participating is responsible for prize. This giveaway is in no way affiliated with Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter or PayPal except for awarding the prize.


Thank you for entering and Good Luck!


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  1. If I could go on a vacation anywhere, I would love to see London England at Christmas time! I’m a Food Historian, so to experience a traditional Christmas there would be a dream come true.

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