December 30

Berry Cream Sparkling Cocktail #SparklingHolidays @dasaniwater


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Thank you to DASANI Sparkling Water for sponsoring this delicious drink.

You must be 21 to consume alcoholic beverages. When doing so, please drink responsibly. No drinking and driving, and no drinking and texting! 

Berry Cream Sparkling Cocktail
Christmas is finally over and we're looking forward to the new year. We've spent the week deep cleaning the house top to bottom. Throwing a lot of things we don't use away and starting the new year fresh. Tomorrow the hubby is going to harvest some oysters, I bought some shrimp, and we are making a seafood chowder to take to my in-laws' house. Every year our family all gets together to celebrate.

As far as New Year's resolutions I've been eating right and exercising since October and I really wanted to skip the champagne this year. The sulfites in it always mess with me but I really wanted something bubbly with zero calories, unsweetened, zero artificial colors, and caffeine-free so I decided to bring my Berry Cream Sparkling Cocktails.

They are extremely easy to make and tasty.


What you need.

Berry Dasani Sparkling Water

2 tbsp sugar

1 cup cranberry or other berry

1/2 cup of water

2 shots of Northern Peak Whipped Cream Spirits

Directions – 

I started by making a simple sugar and adding the fruit. I always make enough for several drinks.  Combine the sugar, water, and fruit together until it forms a syrup.Dasanisugar

Take your syrup and add it to 2 shots of the cream spirits then fill the rest of the glass with your Berry Dasani. Seriously yummy!!


DASANI Sparkling Water is available at Walmart and perfect for sparkling the holidays.

The Sparkling Flavors: Lime, Berry, Lemon, Black Cherry in 12 pack of 12 oz cans

I've also become quite fond of the Lime Dasani and Tanqueray Gin. Even my hubby has been drinking them. I'm also making these for our next wine club meet up. I think my friends are really going to love these and they can stay on their resolution goals!

Looking for more Dasani Sparkling drink ideas?

Follow the Easy Party Drink Recipes board on Pinterest!



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  1. These sound delicious but don’t think there aren’t any calories in them. Vodka, the berries, and the sugar for making the syrup all would add calories. But this cocktail is less calories than one with say Coke or full on juice in it. Just letting you know!

  2. This Berry Cream Sparkling Cocktail sounds absolutely delicious! I’m always responsible for bringing the drinks for our family get togethers and this one is going to be the next one I bring. I’m sure it will be a hit! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love Dasani Berry Sparkling water and this drink looks so refreshing and delicious to make for a nice Sunday dinner. Thanks for sharing, it looks so pretty and delicious.

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