March 21

Big Time Rush: Season One, Volume Two Sweeps


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   Big Time Rush: Season One, Volume Two

Big Time Rush: Season One, Volume Two Episode Synopses:


Big Time Blogger

Gustavo wants to generate hype around Big Time Rush and sets up an important interview with Deke, a blogger who can make or break a career.  In an unfortunate turn of events, the boys end up kidnapping Deke.

Big Time Terror

When Gustavo’s mansion floods, Mom invites him to stay at the Crib.  In order to get him to move out, the boys take advantage of “paranormal activity” at the Palm Woods and convince Gustavo the place is haunted.

Big Time Dance

The Palm Woods school is organizing its first dance and Big Time Rush secures the perfect location – Gustavo's studio.  Now in addition to finding the perfect date, the guys must rehearse for their first live performance at the dance.

Big Time Sparks

Jordin Sparks is staying at the Palm Woods while she records a new song with Gustavo.  When the guys are told to stay away from her because they are bad luck, they try to prove their skeptics wrong and Jordin gets stuck in the middle.


Big Time Fever

Something odd is going on!  Logan has lost his uptight edge, Carlos wants to be one of the Jennifers and James can't stop spray tanning.  It’s all because of Hollywood Fever, but there is no known cure.  Kendall is left to figure out a solution and save his friends from themselves.

Big Time Video

The boys get to make their first music video!  In all the excitement, they go overboard and promise roles to all the kids at the Palm Woods.

Big Time Concert

On the eve of their first album release, Griffin dashes the boy’s music dreams and they return home to Minnesota.  Unwilling to accept defeat, the guys decide to take control and plan their first big concert with Gustavo’s help.

You will also be able to see some behind the scenes fun as well as the pilot episode for “House of Anubis!”

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