October 15

Boogie Board LCD eWriter Review and Sweeps!


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by Meridith

What a cool treat we got when Improv Electronics sent us their Boogie Board 8.5 LCD eWriter to review.  It was like Christmas morning when it arrived and my daughter ripped open the box.

So, what is the Boogie Board 8.5 LCD eWriter?  According to the website:  “The original Boogie Board LCD eWriter that started a revolution. Ultra light (4 oz.) and thin (1/8?). One just isn’t enough. Get one for on the go, in the office and multiple places around the house. Almost anywhere you’d keep memo pads, sticky notes or scrap paper.”

We have used ours for so many things.  My 10 year old daughter and I have played games like tic tac toe and hangman, she has scribbled down some math problems, and I took down some phone numbers for work.  Just before the Boogie Board came in the mail we had an opportunity to see it put to one of the coolest uses yet.  We were at an alumni party and one of the men there had suffered a stroke and lost his ability to speak.  he was able to stay included in the conversation with his Boogie Board.  The screen has a quick erase button so he could “speak” then go on to another conversation.  So cool!

There are endless uses for this incredible gadget.  Just think of all the paper you will save on those long car trips when kids want to draw and play games.  You can customize your Boogie Board in several colors, or even upgrade and get Boogie Board Rip that has the ability to save written or drawn images as files on your computer where you can even edit them.

Would you like an original  Boogie Board 8.5 LCD eWriter of your own?  Enter below to win one!

I was provided a product for my honest opinion and no other compensation was given. Winner must conact us with 48 hours of being emailed or another winner will be drawn.
a Rafflecopter giveaway



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