November 12

Book Review The Heartbreak Cowboy and Contest


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I received a copy for my honest review, no other compensation was received
*Old flames burn hotter the second time around…*

It’s been four long years since McCrea Coldiron watched Eleanor Mackenna
walk out of his life. He wasn’t ready for the marriage noose then and never
thought he would be. Single, free to do as he pleases, and running the
Promise Point Horse Rescue Ranch are the things that make him sure he was
right to let Eleanor go… This is until she comes back to town with a
daughter he never knew about in tow.

Eleanor knows just how badly McCrea can burn a woman and how persuasive
he can be when he wants something, so she’s more than cautious about
his charming words and cocky grin when she comes home to arrange the
sale of her grandparents’ ranch. But when a flat tire in a thunderstorm
introduces four-year-old Sophie to her daddy, Eleanor knows McCrea’s love
for his daughter is genuine. Can she trust it will be the same for her? As
the icy walls around her heart begin to melt, Eleanor must find the courage
to trust her heart or run away from the man who has always owned it.

Being shown what he lost is a wake-up call for McCrea and he isn’t about to
let Eleanor or Sophie walk away. It’s time to prove he’s a man who believes
in love and happy-ever-after.

Buy on Amazon

Misty's Review-

The Heartbreak Cowboy by Mina Beckett

This the first book that I’ve read by Mina Beckett, but it will not be my last.  The story of McCrae Coldiron and Eleanor Mackenna’s meant to be love story is one that I’ll remember for a long time.

High sweethearts, torn apart by fate and a secret love child, when Eleanor comes back to town to sell her Grandparent’s farm, McCrae believes it’s time to help her save the farm instead of selling it to a stranger.  Eleanor wants answers as to WHY he ignored her and their unborn baby.  Why didn’t he answer her letters and WHY did he marry Vanessa instead of her?

When love is meant to be, hearts find their way back to one another and the same is true for McCrae and Eleanor.  When the two meet again, sparks fly.  He found out about the little girl he fathered, she found out that his marriage was a scam and during all of this, they find love with each other again.  They catch a thief, she buys into a business and he learns how strong his little country girl is.

Many twists and turns in this true love, suspenseful novel.  But who wouldn’t enjoy a made-for-each other story?  Beckett writes her heart out in this hard-to-put down book.  She’s made me a fan for life.  I can’t wait for the next book in the Coldiron Cowboys series.

About Mina Beckett

Mina and her husband live on a small farm in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of southern Kentucky. She's an artist, an avid reader, a dog lover, and a miniature horses enthusiast.

Life in her corner of the world consists of long winter nights curled up by the fire, cheering on her favorite football teams in the fall, enduring March Madness in the spring and walking barefoot through her garden with a cold jar of tea in the summer fireflies at sunset accompanied by a serenade of crickets and frogs, and lazy nights in the porch swing.

Pick up the prequel novella The Cowboy's Goodnight Kiss for FREE on Mina's website!
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