August 17

Brazen Gambit (Arnie & Zellie Cozy Mystery Series Book 1) Book Review


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I raced in to the sight of her sitting placidly on my couch – completely, utterly, stark naked.

Only a small blip in the lives of lifelong best friends Arnie Fischer and Zellie Morgan, who with no license and even less practical experience form a detective agency. Their fervent desire for a nice little “find stuff” business rapidly devolves into perilous encounters with a mysterious buxom blonde client, a dead body, assorted mobsters, a sleazy detective, a sinister fashion designer, a car dealership owner only vaguely clinging to reality, and yes, a naked ex-girlfriend on the couch. And even more dangerous – navigating a burgeoning romantic relationship. No problem.

Of course, saving Zellie from the clutches of very dangerous people might be a little more difficult…

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This book was right up my alley, I LOVE cozy mysteries even though I haven't read one in awhile. This book had everything – murder, mystery, humor, and a little romance. Brazen Gambit kept me on my toes and it wasn't predictable at all.  The characters are fun and I love the aspect of the dogs in the story.

I'm really looking forward to more from this series!

About the author
Eric Small, a long-time public servant who wrote extensively for work, began writing fiction in retirement. A lover of cozy mysteries himself, the genre perfectly fit into his desire to write something containing humor, romance, mystery and just plain fun. As a longtime reader of cozy mysteries, he found such stories a natural fit for his writing. Brazen Gambit is the first of a planned series of Arnie & Zellie Investigations, set in the environs of Middletown, New Jersey, where Eric was born and raised. He now lives in Florida with his wife of over thirty years.


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  1. This does look like a good book to read and I love a good mystery with romance. I will have to check this book out!

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