August 1

Bubble & Bee Review and Sweeps

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by Meridith

Bubble & Bee is helping us kick off August: A Month of Giveaways, so check back often.

Why organic body products?   The skin is the largest organ of the body, and we want nothing but the good stuff going on there.  Bubble & Bee  offers 100% USDA organic products that are just that:  all the good stuff, and none of the bad.   I was given the opportunity to review three of Bubble and Bee's fantastic products and am in love!  They sent me their Coconut & Lime 100% Organic Lotion Stick  with these awesome ingredients: Organic beeswax, organic cocoa butter, organic extra virgin coconut oil, organic sweet almond oil, organic lime essential oil, certified organic coconut extract. That's it… No “Bad” Stuff!  I feel like I could literally eat this stick and be all the better for it!  But that being said, I would not try that at home.  The lotion stick was put to the test on my dry cracked feet and it has done more in a few applications than other products have done in months.

The second item I had the privelege  to review was the Squeezed Lime Organic Shower Gel.    The shower filled with the fresh scent of lime the moment I squeezed some out of the super cute bottle.  The shower gel really does smell like lime, and like the Bubble and Bee website says, “it smells like lime because it is lime!”  This gel is free from all “sodium lauryl sulfate or parabens, and contains NO synthetic chemicals of any kind.”  It also contains no water.   Did you know that some shower gels and lotions contain up to 80% water?  I don't know about you, but I don't want to spend my money on water!  When you buy from Bubble & Bee you are getting the good stuff like, organic oils of coconut, olive and jojoba, vegetable gum/glycerin extract, organic lime essential oil, organic aloe vera, rosemary extract, and organic eucalyptus essential oil. The products are also never tested on animals and many are vegan and gluten-free.

The final item I tried was the Organic Coconut & Lime Lip Balm.  Whenever you put something on your lips be sure to look hard at what it contains as anything on your lips has the opportunity to enter your mouth and then your digestive tract.  This fantastic moisturizing lip balm is made from, “Organic sunflower oil, organic cocoa butter, organic beeswax, organic coconut flavor, organic lime flavor, organic lime essential oil, and stevia.”  I feel very comfortable putting this on my lips, and it feels great.  They also offer other cool items like organic deodorant, hair care,  insect repellant and so much more.

This review has made it abundantly clear that I LOVE Bubble & Bee and cannot wait to try more of their products.  Now you don't have to wait to try them either!  Bubble and Bee is giving one luck reader a $25 GC to their online store.  Enter our contest below for your chance to win.

I was given products to review for my honest opinion and no other compensation was given.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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