April 3

Chivalry and Malevolence Book Blast


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Chivalry and MalevolenceChivalry and Malevolence

When the Unseelie Court sentences an innocent man to death, the elven Princess Morgana cannot sit idly by as the human Knight perishes. The Queen calls her pathetic and worthless. It does not change how Mori feels about the old laws of Alfheim. These rules punish the faultless, lesser races of the Nine Realms of Odin.


Purchase Chivalry and Malevolence on:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords

Of the nine, this realm of the Light is home to many mythical creatures. The portal gates remain forever closed to the human race. However, neglected for centuries, a Knight from the realm of Earth enters the Light. Holding onto his faith and code of honor, he holds stoically in the face of capture and death. Princess Mori remains his only hope, but to save him, she must first save herself.

About Author Rae Z. RyansRae Z Ryans

Rae Z. Ryans loves to create mythical lands and characters that entertain, promote equality, and love. She writes for both children and adults in her world of Six and Twenty. When she is not writing, Ms. Ryans spends her days chasing after her own children, and dreaming up new adventures.

Follow Rae Z Ryans:
Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Amazon

Check out Rae Z Rayns Release Day Party on April 4th on Facebook 12 – 4 CDT

There will be fun and prizes and you can chit chat with the author!


Sue Ann's Review –

Witches and Fairies and Dragons – oh my!!!
The way that these are all incorporated into the book is AWESOME!!!
Chivalry and Malevolence was a book I read in one sitting. It appealed to my love of fae, elves, dragons and more.
The vivid imagery in describing the setting and characters in the fae world of Alfheim was amazing.
I loved the story of Princess Morgana and the way she put everything aside to help the human Knight.
The story has a lot of meaning – how we should not judge a person by their looks.

I received a copy for my honest review, no other compensation was received.

Wicked queens, knights in shining armor and dragons oh my! Chivalry and Malevolence was a book I read in one sitting. It appealed to my love of fae, elves, dragons and the UnSeelie and Seelie courts. I was hooked. ~Jen @ The Crafty Cauldron

I loved the way the author created such vivid imagery in describing the setting and characters in the fae world of Alfheim. ~ Lisa@ Mommy Reads too Much

Acting Balanced – Excerpt

Chivalry and Malevolence is an lovely blend of romance, strength and adventure. Princess Morgana's journey from insecurity to empowerment is relatable for every young woman. Jessi @ Mama's Got Flair

Gina's Library – Excerpt

Taking Time for Mommy – Review

Andi's Book Reviews – Excerpt

Generations of Savings – Excerpt

Adventures Frugal Mom – Excerpt

The author is giving away a Swag pack and autographed book. Fill out the Form Below to Enter. Open to US Residents

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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