August 27

Clearly Filtered Shower Head AND 3-Stage Under-the-Sink Filter System Giveaway


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Clearly Filtered Provides Clean Water to

56 Countries on 6 Different Continents!

Have you heard of Clearly Filtered yet? They are an amazing water filtration company that have developed of one of the most advanced filtration technologies in the world! Clearly Filtered uses advanced filtration technology called Affinity® media. It is a unique blend of a dozen different materials that is designed to ionically target a broad range of over 220 contaminants. Think of the Affinity® blend as a combination of tiny, super-powerful magnets. As water passes over them they recognize the ionic signature of contaminants that are in the water. It then draws them out, attaches to them, and forms a powerful, lasting bond, preventing them from entering your drinking water.


Enter to Win Two Amazing Filter Systems From Clearly Filtered!

One lucky winner will receive 3-Stage Under-the-Sink

Filter System AND a Filtered Shower Head!!

Clean & Safe 3-Stage Under-the-Sink Filter System #CleanWater #220Contaminants #Contaminant #ClearlyFiltered #WaterFilter #HealthyLiving #Health

About the 3-Stage Under-the-Sink Filter System

One of the most amazing things about Clearly Filtered is they have taken the extra time to make sure their filtered water is independently tested and verified by EPA-accredited laboratories AND they share all of the results with the world via their website! The results for the 3-Stage Under-the-Sink Filter System is better than I ever knew possible. We hear all the time how chemicals, Herbicides, Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals, Heavy Metals, VOCs, and chemical additives make tap water unhealthy to drink or even cook with, but did you know by using the 3-Stage Under-the-Sink Filter System you can remove 99.9% of most of these contaminates from your tap water? Visit the laboratory testing results page to read all of the results Clearly Filtered products received HERE.

  • Unprecedented 99.5% Fluoride removal
  • Clearly Filtered‘s proprietary custom-made filters offer 3 stages of protection from common tap water contaminants
  • Filter sets last an average of 1 year
  • Leak-proof filter heads have built-in shut off valves which make changing filters a twist (no tools needed)
  • Entire unit installs in less than 15 minutes with simple household tools and no need for a plumber

Clearly Filtered Shower Head #CleanWater #220Contaminants #Contaminant #ClearlyFiltered #WaterFilter #HealthyLiving #Health

About the Clearly Filtered Shower Head

Studies have found that filtering your shower’s water

likely aids your health more than the tap water filter on your kitchen faucet!

Are Filtered Shower Heads Even Necessary? ABSOLUTELY! Taking a shower without a water filter makes us more susceptible to chlorine and chloramine than by merely drinking unfiltered water! When we shower in warm or hot water, our pores open and the water turns to steam, this leads to increased dermal absorption of toxic substances such as chlorine and its byproducts. That also means we are inhaling harmful chlorine while showering! Get a Clearly Filtered shower head and enjoy clean, refreshing showers without the contaminants & chemicals. The Clearly Filtered shower head has a wide temperature operating range, removes up to 95% of Chlorine, AND installs in homes in minutes! Aren't you excited for the opportunity to enter to win one of these great shower heads?


One Lucky Winner Will Receive a Clearly Filtered Shower Head AND

3-Stage Under-the-Sink Filter System

(APV $570)

Eligibility: US Only, 18+

Ends: September 8, 2018 at 1159 pm (EST)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mommy’s Playbook Giveaway Rules: This giveaway is Sponsored by Clearly Filtered and hosted by Mommy’s Playbook. Winner will receive a Clearly Filtered 3-Stage Under-the-Sink Filter System AND a Filtered Shower Head! Approximate Prize Value is $570!!! Victoria and/or Mommy’s Playbook, Participating bloggers, are not responsible for prize fulfillment. By entering this giveaway you are giving the giveaway host and/or event sponsor permission to retain your email address for future communication, you may choose to opt-out of such communications at any time. This giveaway is not sponsored or endorsed by any social media outlet including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Please contact Victoria (at) regarding any questions you have pertaining to this giveaway.


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  1. We have a high content of lead in our water which leaves our shower and tub looking dirty and dingy as well as the water rusty!

  2. My biggest worry with our tap water is all the added stuff the water company puts into it. I also do not like that evebn though I clean all the time, we tend to get a red mush around faucets.

  3. My biggest worry is all the chemicals that might be in it. Our water is so gross and it’s very hard water. I hate our water. Not living too far from Flint MI also makes me scared. You just never know

  4. My biggest worry? I am similar to Jennifer B. I live near Flint and I have a girlfriend whose family depends on bottled water because they still can’t trust the water they drink. People take clean water for granted…not realizing that there are billions of people in the world who don’t have access to clean water as we do.

  5. We have a well and a dark colored holding tank, which we get delivery of water when the well isn’t producing enough. I worry about algae, mold, and things like arsenic in the water.

  6. The water department is always working on the pipes on the end of town I live on. We constantly have air in our water because of it. I worry that there might be more contaminants in it even though there are no boil water advisories. We use bottled water for our drinking water.

  7. The water department is always working on the pipes on my end of town. We constantly have air in our water. It worries me that there might be more contaminants in the water because of it. We use bottled water for our drinking water.

  8. I worry that the water is too hard and may have more iron than necessary. I know we have low floride since the dr keeps pushing supplements for that.

  9. I don’t drink tap water anymore. I don’t trust it. Too many unsafe chemicals. Maybe with a good filtration system like this I would be able to feel at ease consuming tap water again.

  10. My biggest issue is the health of my children, knowing they are taking a shower in clean filtered water will take some of my anxiety away.

  11. I use city water and constantly get alerts from the city that the water pipes have burst or something has been contaminated. I’m almost always having to drink bottled water.

  12. We live in Bullhead City AZ and the water is not good, lots of minerals etc. We have to use a softener which causes it’s own set of issue. Any help with our water situation is appreciated. Thanks!

  13. We have a high level of lead in our water and we have to use bottled water for drinking. This would be nice to have. Thanks for the chance to win it!

  14. I am tired of being worried about what my daughters and granddaughters put into their bodies. I want clean water and our water has problems.

  15. Our water is warm with a slightly brown hue. I just don’t trust it. I worry about it being safe for my grandchildren to consume.

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