March 13

The best graduation announcements (Basic Invite – Discount Code)


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Why You Should Be Using Basic Invite

Do you have a college graduation coming up? Maybe you have a huge birthday party you’re planning. Have you ever wished doing invites was easier? Going to the store to buy invites, envelopes, pens, stamps, and then spending time writing them all out…it can all be a pain. That’s where Basic Invite is about to make your life easier. Here is why you should be using Basic Invite.

Custom samples available

You know what is great? When you can look at an invite before you order a whole slew of them. Basic Invite allows you to order the sample to see what it looks like in person. Being able to look at that invite and approve every part of it is a great feature of Basic Invite.

Unlimited colors (almost)

Yes, it’s true. Basic Invite allows you to have almost unlimited color options. You can even preview the colors online. Once you select a design, you can take your time changing each color. It’s fun to get the invite exactly how you want it. You can make it “your own” down to the very last detail.

Choose an envelop you love

When you send out an invitation, the envelope is just as important as the actual invitation. You get to choose the kind of envelope you want, which will really bring your invitation to life. Basic Invite allows their customers to choose from over 40 different colors. Your envelopes are going to look awesome. The cool thing about envelopes from Basic Invite is that they are peel and seal, so you don’t have to waste time sealing envelopes.

Obtain addresses easily

One of my favorite things about Basic Invite is the address capturing service. All you do is share a link on social media and then your friends and family enter their addresses. The customer can select the addresses during the design process. Basic Invite is perfect for those college graduation thank you cards!

Check out the foil from Basic Invite

Foil holiday cards are available in gold, silver, and rose gold. You can choose flat or raised foil on all of Basic Invite’s foil designs. Make sure you check out the tri fold graduation announcements.

Want to save some money? Right now Basic Invite is offering 15% off with coupon code: 15FF51 .

I hope you enjoy Basic Invite as much as my family has. What is going to be your first invite creation?


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