June 12

DIY Ice Cream Sandwiches


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19180DIY Ice Cream Sandwiches 

Making our own ice cream sandwiches are a foolproof way to please the whole family — the kids get to have fun in the kitchen, and everyone can make theirs just the way they like it.

Ice cream + cookies. How hard can it be, right? Here are a few tips to make your tastiest ice cream sandwiches yet.

  • Ice cream. Whether you’re choosing on-trend matcha or tried-and-true vanilla, ice cream (or gelato!) is easier to work with when frozen hard, so don’t take it out of the freezer too early. If you’d prefer to prep ahead, you can scoop and freeze individual scoops of ice cream on a sheet tray.
  • Cookies. The cookies should be soft but still able to hold up to the ice cream. If you’re baking cookies, wait until they cool before using. And who says they need to be cookies? Wafers, brownies and graham crackers work (though that last one can be crumbly).
  • Additions. If you're planning on rolling the sides in a topping, possibilities are endless! How about cereal, crumbled potato chips, chopped nuts or pretzels, crushed candies, shredded coconut flakes, or go traditional with sprinkles or chocolate chips. Consider upping the game by smearing sunflower seed butter or chocolate hazelnut spread (get the recipe) on the inside facing side of the cookies before assembling the sammie. And how about a drizzle of hot fudge or caramel sauce for the finish?
  • Hold the dairy. Hosting a party? Don’t forget to include non-dairy options such as sorbet or ice cream made without dairy. There are plenty of dairy-free cookie recipes too!

DIY ice cream sandwiches

Winning Combinations

Find your perfect pairing by deconstructing some of your favorite combinations for your DIY Ice Cream Sandwiches such as s'mores; peanut butter and jelly; or make an Elvis special with peanut butter cookies and banana ice cream!

Here are four combos we’re loving now:

  • Chocolate chip cookies + caramel ice cream
  • Oatmeal raisin cookies + pistachio gelato
  • Chocolate wafer cookies + mango sorbet
  • Peanut butter cookies + strawberry ice cream

Make Some, Buy Some

With two young kids, time is short and sweet cravings are high. When there’s no time to bake, I use soft-baked Two Bite® Chocolate Chip Cookies from the bakery of my local Whole Foods Market store. They’re the perfect size for little kids or those who just want just a little sweet treat. I also buy 365 Everyday Value® Organic Ice Cream Sandwiches — they’re like the ones you remember as a kid but better. There is a mini version, but if I have the regular-size ones, I cut them in half, stick a lollipop stick (found at craft stores), and have my kids dip the edges in sprinkles.

Peanut butter cookies and chocolate ice cream. Oatmeal cookies and maple ice cream. Gingerbread cookies and pumpkin ice cream. Sky’s the limit!

Source: BlogsRelease



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  1. I love Ice Cream sandwiches and am going to make them for the 4th of July! Such a fun treat to make. I like the Chocolate chip cookies + caramel ice cream together!

  2. I really love the idea of making our own ice cream sandwiches. A small box of those chocolate cookie ice cream sandwiches is not cheap and I bet they will be better homemade.

  3. These look great, and easy enough to make, but I will have a hard time not “sampling” as I prepare them and will end up without enough left to finish the sandwiches.

  4. These ice cream sandwiches look so yummy. The kids would love hem. I like how you can create your favorite combination.

  5. Huh, I never would have thought of Peanut butter cookies + strawberry ice cream, but that actually sounds good!

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