June 13

Get One, Give One Cheerios With Love #FreeCoupon


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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of CheeriosĀ® and Walmart. The opinions and text are all mine.Ā 

My girls have always loved Cheerios, when they were little they'd eat them dry as a snack. They were perfect for their little fingers. It has carried throughout the years and they love a bowl for breakfast or a snack. They also still eat them dry as a snack on the go. (My girls especially love the gluten free frosted Cheerios!)

Right now Cheerios is having a buy a box, give a box promotion. What the Love to Give video on Walmart's Cheerio page HERE

I'm actually a ‘giver' by nature. I love to share and I've taught my girls to do the same. When you buy a participating box of Cheerios from Walmart you get a code in the box. When you go to http://wm6.walmart.com/Gluten-Free-Cheerios you type in the code and you can send a free coupon to someone for a FREE box of Cheerios!

Who would you give yours to? I can think of many people we'd share with. It would be a nice surprise for anyone! But weĀ are really big into charity so if you need an idea you can always give it to your local food bank. We coupon just so we can bless others in need! I was thrilled when I saw this coupon for a free box of Cheerios. These boxes are HUGE! One for them, and one for us!

Find your code inside specially marked packages in stores and enter it on http://wm6.walmart.com/Gluten-Free-CheeriosĀ to send a coupon for a free box of Cheerios to someone that matters.

Let me know in the comments who you are sharing with!


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  1. I tried to send a box to my son in law but my code doesnā€™t work. I assume that they donā€™t want to give out too many free boxes. Iā€™ve tried all sorts of ways this code could be and none of them worked. Iā€™m a big fan of Cheerios. Thatā€™s the only kind of cereal that I eat! Love the new cinnamon crunch! Told my son in law about it and thought it would be neat to send him a free box. Wish I could read this code!

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