January 16

Felina’s New Home: A Florida Panther Story


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felina's new homeFelina the Florida panther loved growing up in her forest home, until the forest starts to shrink! Trees begin to disappear, and Felina doesn't understand the new busy highway in the neighborhood. Other animals are in danger, too. Will Felina find a way to survive as humans threaten to ruin her home? Environmental science writer Loran Wlodarski gives children a look into deforestation and endangered animals in Felina's New Home: A Florida Panther Story, complemented by the detailed, emotive illustrations of Lew Clayton. Learn whether the animals in Felina's forest adapt to the new human presence and what children can do to keep wild animals safe, happy, and healthy.

Review – I have a “thing” for the Florida Panther. They happen to be my favorite animal and it has rubbed off on my girls. We all have a love and appreciation for them. We absolutely loved this book!

Felina the panther was growing but her forest was shrinking.  The story showed how the endangered panther had to deal with things such a trash, feeding wild animals, and her new home.too

Some times I find children's books about animals like this have too much propaganda but this wasn't bad.  The book was easy for my girls to understand and the illustrations were amazing. If you get a chance to read it you should.

Buy from Sylvan Dell Publishing  or Amazon


Author/Illustrator Info:

Loran Wlodarski (Felina's New Home, Fall Spring 2010, and If a Dolphin Were a Fish) is a science writer for SeaWorld and has written six books for them in addition to his many normal daily responsibilities. He has been published in sources such as Grolier's Encyclopedia for Children and The Marine Mammal Encyclopedia. In addition, he has served as a scientific consultant for “Ask Magazine”, Random House Books, Animal Planet, Ripley's Believe It Or Not, and Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Loran has raised animals his entire life. One of his early jobs at SeaWorld's Education Department was to raise some of their animals – newly hatched sharks, macaws, turtles, tropical fish, and iguanas. Loran lives with his wife and child in Florida.

Lew Clayton (Felina's New Home, Spring 2010) has worked as an illustrator for 20 years. He has a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from Brigham Young University, and he is a Graphic Designer in the Media Industry. He is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. His medium of choice is Prismacolor colored pencil, and his favorite subject matters are people and animals. He has two previously published books: The Adventures of Willy B and Archie's Christmas Tale. Felina's New Home is his first picture book with Sylvan Dell Publishing. Visit Lew's website.


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