Florida Authors –Â Palm Coast Author Armand Rosamilia
Not only is Palm Coast, Flagler county a fantastic place to live but it is brewing with talent. Today we are interviewing author Armand Rosamilia.
Thank you Armand for taking time with us today, how long have you lived in Palm Coast?
I lived in Palm Coast on and off for about five years. I now live in Jacksonville but make the trip down twice a week… once to spend the day writing in Kokomo's Café and the other because I do a radio show on Surf 17 AM called Friday Night Writes with my co-host Tim Baker.
Not only do you write horror books but you have also dove into contemporary. What made you decide to make that leap?
I like writing about characters, and spending so much time in Kokomo's Café and eavesdropping on customers gave me some great story ideas. I decided to write something other than my typical zombie and horror stuff. Readers have called my Flagler Beach Fiction Series a fun beach read. I'll take it.
Where is your favorite place to write?
As above… Kokomo's Cafe
You have co-written a book with fellow local author Tim Baker. What was it like
to write with someone else, especially someone who writes in another genre than you?
It was actually pretty easy, because Tim and I have similar styles. When we wrote Dying Days: The Siege of European Village, we finished the bulk of the story in one day. We had a blast incorporating real friends from the Palm Coast are into the book. Recently we finished the sequel, Dying Days: Siege 2, and it will be out about mid-November. We'll do some local book signings for it, too.
Your alarm clock goes off , what do you do next?
I've been writing full-time for the last two years so I rarely wake to an alarm clock. Pure heaven. But the first thing I do is start the coffee and then dive into an hour of e-mails until I'm awake. I do my first writing sprint about 9 am and try to hit my daily 2,000 word goal by lunchtime if possible.
What do you write and what is it about that genre that calls out to you?
Horror. I got into reading with Dean Koontz and never looked back. I also realize most of his stuff was more thriller or action adventure in the beginning, and I mix those into my stories as well. Horror just calls to me, as cliché as that sounds.
Tell us a little about your book(s).
The latest in the Flagler Beach Fiction Series (and the third book out) is JandJ Fitness. It is the third of seven planned books, each one set in another actual Flagler Beach business with fictional characters in and out of the stories. Each book is set on a certain day of the week. Right now I'm almost done with the fourth, Flagler Fish Company. The first two were Kokomo's Café and Golden Lion Café.
Are you currently working on anything else?
Always. I'm in the midst of a novel a publisher is interested in as well as the rest of the Flagler Beach Fiction Series. Several more Dying Days zombie books (all set in the area, by the way) and whatever else comes my way.
What is on your playlist?
I put Pandora on in the background when I write at home: Steel Panther, Barenaked Ladies, Billy Squier, Slayer, Dramarama, Johnny Cash… anything and everything.
What is your favorite writing snack?
M&M's… plain or peanut. I am addicted to them.
What gets you in the mood to write?
Being awake. My mind is always in writing mode, and ideas don't ever stop. No matter what I'm doing I look at each situation and try to write it down in my head.
Who is your favorite character and why?
Conan by Robert E Howard is my all-time favorite character to read. In my own work it would be Darlene Bobich, the star of the Dying Days zombie series. She is a normal woman and not a superhero. A little chunky, a little scared… she cried, has panic attacks and has no military training. She worked at a makeup counter.
Favorite book of all time?
Watership Down. I've read it about 6 times since I was a kid.
Breakfast says a lot about a person, what is your perfect breakfast?
Either tuna on a cinnamon raisin bagel or a pork roll egg and cheese sandwich… someday I shall have both at the same time!
Please tell us in one sentence why we should read your books
Because I am really sexy and fun to be around, pleasing to the naked eye, and this boy can write a lick or two… and I'm humble. Always humble.
http://armandrosamilia.com / Facebook / Twitter / Amazon
Thank you for this introduction.
Well, I have heard that Florida is a great place to live, but the weather down there concerns me. How are you coping with Hurricane Mathew?