November 11

Latin’s Not So Tough Review and Sweeps!


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With so many languages available to study in the classroom, why choose Latin? Perhaps the most obvious reason is that Latin is the basis for almost every other language.  I remember in my high school years being “forced” to study Latin with my Catholic homeschool curriculum.  I complained about it often, stating that it was a dead language in my opinion and that it would never be useful. The day I sat down to take my SAT changed my mind forever.  I scored significantly higher on my verbal section of the SAT than most of my friends.  I realized that a good portion of the vocabulary would have remained foreign to me without my ability to discern the root word thanks to my Latin studies.

I am now a homeschool  mom to my daughter and we participate in a national co-op called Classical Conversations.  This curriculum recognizes the importance of the Latin language and encourages children to study the language throughout their college preparatory years.

Classical Conversations mom, Sharon was thrilled to have the opportunity to review Greek ‘n' Stuff's Latin's Not So Tough level 3 for her daughters aged 6 and 10.  Here is what she had to say:

“I really appreciate how clean and concise the lessons are assembled!  The fact that there is not “high pressure” built upon always completing a “daily lesson” is another strong advantage for us in our busy world.  I love that Book 3 still begins with the Latin Alphabet and pronunciations and diphthongs before entering into vocabulary and conjugations.  It is so neatly presented in small bite size increments that my 6 year old can easily follow along and participate with my 10 year old each day!  Latin really is made easy with each page and lesson as the student follows along, uses the flashcards or the CD.  All of the materials used to enhance the lesson are just perfect!    We used a popular classical series last year and it proved to be too much in content and a bit confusing to really comprehend as it tended to jump around from topic to topic.  I would highly recommend “Latin is not so Tough” to anyone thinking of beginning such a beautiful and important language!”


Latin's Not So Tough offers 6 levels of study.   Sharon started with level 3 since her children had some basic Latin background.   You can read more about what level is best for your child here.  They also have multi-level starter sets.   The folks at Greek ‘n' Stuff also offer Greek and Bible Studies as well.  They also have a free learning section where you can learn Latin or Greek words.


The awesome Folks at Greek ‘n' Stuff are offering one lucky reader a chance to win a copy of the curriculum in the level of your choosing.  Enter below for a chance to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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