October 27

Fundraising With Fresh Wreaths Is Easy


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Selling fresh balsam fir Christmas wreaths can be a great way to earn money for your group or organization.  Not only is selling wreaths easy but it also can generate enough cash to help you meet your fundraising goals.  So instead of settling for another round of cookie dough, think out of the box.  Think wreaths this year!

Jen’s Wreaths from Deer River, Minnesota has one of the best wreath fundraising programs around.  You are basically selling fresh balsam fir Christmas wreaths. They have 3 fundraising programs.  For example, with the Simple Program you just sell 1 style of wreath.  They also offer a deluxe program that has several wreaths, swags, crosses, and candy canes all made from fresh balsam fir.  You can choose the program that suites your group the best.  Elementary age kids may do better having fewer options with the Simple Program.  Meanwhile, high school age groups and beyond may enjoy the large variety the Deluxe Fundraising Program has to offer.

Another important aspect of fundraising is that you work with a reputable company.  Jen’s Wreaths has great customer service.  Any questions about how to get started can easily be answered by a quick phone call to their office.  They will print your flyers and mail them to you or e-mail you a convenient .pdf sales flyer.  They also have several flyers available to download online at: http://www.jenswreaths.com/fundraising/

You’ll find that the majority of people love Christmas, decorating for Christmas, and buying gifts for the holiday.  Wreaths are a pretty easy sale.  Often times you can find people who want to buy several wreaths for their friends and neighbors.  Sometimes you can solicit certain businesses who may give you the jackpot with a huge sale of wreaths for their clients.

Jen’s Wreaths has lots of options that work hand in hand with their fundraising programs.  Groups can pay a little more and they’ll even bag them at their shop in Minnesota and save you the work of doing it when they arrive.  They also offer wreath door hangers.

Certain selling tactics have proven to work better than others.  Be sure to explain, why you are selling wreaths and where the money is going.  People want to know why they should spend their hard earned dollars with you.  More often than not you’ll get a warm reception when you take the time to explain the purpose of your fundraiser.  Another tactic is offering a small discount for buying more than one wreath.  Jen’s Wreaths allows you to set your own retail prices.  Selling 1 wreath for $25 or 2 wreaths for $45, can be a great way to generate additional sales.

Lastly, don’t forget to set a deadline for when you need all your fundraising forms collected.  Kids will be kids, so plan ahead.  Oftentimes it takes an extra day or two to get order totals from kids who forgot or may have gotten sick and missed the order deadline.  Wreath order totals need to be called in or e-mailed to their office on time, in order for your wreaths to be delivered on time.  They are flexible to an extent, but they are also extremely busy and everything works best of protocol is followed.

The wreath fundraiser from Jen’s Wreaths makes final payment for your order so easy.  Whether you need additional paperwork filled out for your school district or your organization prefers mailing a check, you’ll find that this is a company that is willing to work with you.  They work promptly to generate a final invoice within 48 hours of the final order being placed.  They also take all four major credit cards also, if you want to take care of payment promptly.

So, when you sit down at your next 4-H meeting, Boy Scout meeting, etc., take selling wreaths into consideration.  You may find the amount of money you can raise to be really appealing.  Go to their website and request a fundraising packet and look it over.  I think you’ll find a carefully thought out and designed program, with lots of options to fit the needs of various groups.  After you look over that packet, give the friendly customer service at Jen’s wreaths a call.  I think you’ll find them eager to get your group off to a great start!  Best of luck with all your fundraising endeavours.




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