October 30

How To Be Manly by Maureen O’Leary Wanket #BookReview #BookBlast


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HowtobemanlybabberHow To Be ManlyWhen Fatty Matty Sullivan finds a self-help book by former football great Tad Manly at a yard sale, he secretly starts following the old pro’s advice to get in shape and get the girl. Summer goals: lose the milkshake weight, join the football team, and turn himself into the kind of guy super hot Cassie Bale will love.

But between taking care of his grandfather, trying to pass remedial Algebra, and getting caught up in his friend Jester’s half-baked weed-dealing schemes, Matty’s summer isn’t quite the game-changer he’d planned. When on top of it all his dad moves back in with his own plans to get rich quick, Matty suddenly has much bigger things to worry about than football and whether or not Cassie’s going to call him back. And it turns out that there might be more to being manly than he thought.

Maureen O’Leary Wanket’s debut is a sharp, comic novel about trying to do the right thing… even when you’re not sure what that is.

Buy on Amazon | B&N | IndieBound

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I received a copy for my honest review, no other compensation was received.

Review – I have a HUGE stack of review books so by the time I got to this one I had forgotten the blurb. I thought it was going to be a funny, kind of like Diary of a Wimpy kid or something along those lines. How to be Manly did start off hilarious! I laughed a lot during the book but it got a little darker. It deals with real issues many teenagers deal with.

How to Be Manly is a short read but you get a lot of story and Maureen O'Leary Wanket weaves a heck of a story! There was a lot of didn't expect, there are actually multiple genres in this book. Fatty Matty is a wonderful character who has a lot to figure out. I want to read more from this author and I'd probably recommend this for 13 and up? I have a 10 year old and I know she would enjoy the book but there are a couple of things I don't want to explain yet. Even adults with like this one.

I didn't see the paperback on Amazon but I did on B&N and IndieBound.



Meet the Author:

MOW author pic_cr suzanne swansonMaureen O’Leary Wanket is a writer and teacher living in Sacramento, California with her husband and two daughters. How To Be Manly is inspired by the humor and courage of the students she’s met in her classrooms over the past twenty years. She loves high school football, but only when she happens to teach at least half of the players on the field.

Her short stories have appeared in Esopus, Xenith, Fiction at Work, Blood and Thunder, Musings on the Art of Medicine and Prick of the Spindle.

Maureen writes articles about issues in education for local and national publications. She also muses about inspirations for a writer’s life in Friday Free Topic at http://maureenoleary.wordpress.com.

How To Be Manly is her first novel.

Find Maureen on: Twitter | Blog | Goodreads | Literary Addicts

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