February 1

Home for Dinner: Mixing Food, Fun, and Conversation for a Happier Family and Healthier Kids by Anne K. Fishel, Ph.D. #book #Giveaway


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Kids need more than food. They’re starving for family dinners.

Dinnertime has become a rare luxury among today's busy families. Yet study after study shows that no other hour in your children's day will deliver as many emotional and psychological benefits as the one spent sharing food and conversation, unwinding, and connecting. Increased resiliency and self-esteem, higher academic achievement, a healthier relationship to food — these and other positive outcomes have been linked to the simple act of eating dinner together.

Make it happen for your family with Harvard psychologist Anne Fishel's impassioned by practical can-do primer for prioritizing mealtime. Dinner become doable with the tips, recipes, and heaps of inspiration packed into this one-stop family-happiness booster. Learn how to:

  • Overcome time-constraints, scheduling issues, and post-work fatigue
  • Put delicious food on the table with quick, healthy recipes
  • Get everyone to pitch in, even the littlest cooks
  • Bring gratitude to the table, and avert complaints and conflict
  • Satisfy varied taste buds, from picky toddlers to meat-denouncing teens
  • Get your family talking, laughing, and engaging with one another
  • Keep it up — with minimal hassle, and a lifetime of rewards

Author Bio
Anne K. Fishel, Ph.D.
, author of Home for Dinner: Mixing Food, Fun and Conversation for a Happier Family and Healthier Kids, is the director of the Family and Couples Therapy Program at Massachusetts General Hospital and an associate clinical professor of psychology at the Harvard Medical School. As cofounder of The Family Dinner Project, she has been interviewed by Good Housekeeping, NPR, The New York Times, and other national media. Dr. Fishel writes the popular blog “Digital Family” for Psychology Today. A mother of two young adult sons, she lives near Boston with her husband. For more information please visit AMACOM.com and http://thefamilydinnerproject.org, and follow the author on Facebook and Twitter


Taking Time for Mommy is giving away one paperback copy of Home for Dinner: Mixing Food, Fun and Conversation for a Happier Family and Healthier Kids. Open to the continental USA.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. I have to admit, I’m guilty sometimes of getting home and just letting us all eat and unwind in front of the television. I feel guilty about it afterwards every single time. It’s hard balancing work and life but I know that dinner around the table is essential. Tonight when I get home there will be some yummy beef stew waiting for us in the crock pot (perfect on a cold day like today) and we will unwind with a game of Uno instead of the television.

  2. Any night where we aren’t rushing through cooking and eating to get to homework and dance classes and shower and bedtime…on the free nights I usually cook a big breakfast dinner or something I can take my time with!

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