August 3

How Poise® Helps Make Sure Moms Have the Best Workout


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This post is sponsored by Poise® but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

If you asked me right after I had my first daughter if I'd ever have to worry about bladder leakage I would have laughed and said just do some kegel exercises. Many years later I would want to punch young me. Sure I do kegel exercises and until I was working out REALLY hard, I never even thought about bladder leakage but all that jumping has me singing a different tune.

Did you know that 1 in 3 women experiencing light bladder leakage? It's true! Honestly, I had to idea until I was in class one day and we were jumping, the coach's wife made a comment ‘Hey, some of us have had kids.' Then it hit me, it wasn't just me.

I'm thankful for Poise®, it helps you take control of bladder leaks by offering products designed to give you the comfort you want and the protection you need. Poise Pads are 10X drier than the leading period pad – perfect for maternity pads for women after birth who experience postpartum or heavier bladder leakage. Now with ContourFit Design a pad shape that is softly curved in the middle, to fit your curves better than before, it is perfect to move with you while you exercise!

My friend who has seven kids was telling me about the first time she ran a 5k….she had no idea her bladder would react like that. She said she was gushing. This is a very fit woman! Now she knows there is no way she will ever run a 5k again without protection.

Go to your local Walmart to purchase! You can also try Walmart’s Online Grocery Pick-up Option that is so easy, you don’t need to even get out of the car! It also allows you to be more discreet when purchasing the product.

Use the Ibotta app for a $5 cash back offer!


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