August 25

Huggies Easy On Easy Off Challenge


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My girls were SOOO swirmy. It was exercise just to change their diapers but guess what? Diapers have gotten easier! Huggies® Slip-On® Diapers were made with squirmy babies in mind, providing stretchy sides to let you quickly slip on the diaper for a close, comfy fit and trusted leakage protection. Plus, they have easy open tabs so they are easy to take off, making changing easy for you and your squirmy little one.

Take the Huggies Easy on easy Off Challenge! Experience just how easy HUGGIES® Little Movers Slip-On® diapers are to slip on and off your squirmy baby. “Check in” once a day for five days when using these diapers and receive helpful tips as well as an exclusive printable coupon!

Go HERE to their Facebook page to participate!

What do your babies do? The Rolling pin? The wind up toy? Or the Runaway train? Watch this cute video! Then take the Huggies® Easy On Easy Off Challenge

“Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Huggies via Glam Media.The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Huggies.”



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