July 21

How to Make a Flower Headband


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If you have daughters, granddaughters, nieces, or friends that have girls you MUST learn How to Make a Flower Headband. They are adorable and make a fun craft and present. Even make them for yourself. My girls are having so much fun making these.


How to Make a Flower Headband

1/4 Yard of white cotton fabric
Medium sized white button
Metallic glitter fold over elastic (can be found at Walmart)
Metallic silver thread
Soft measuring tape
Fabric scissors
Hot glue/hot glue gun
Solo cup

Trace the top of your cup six times on your white fabric with your pencil

Now cut your circles out with your fabric scissors

Thread your needle with your metallic thread

Fold each circle in half twice

Holding the tip of one folded circle, begin sewing the rounded part by weaving in and out with your needle

Now so on the other five petals the same way

Once all six petals are sewn on the same strand, cut the needle off your thread and tie the two strings together tightly, trimming any loose ends

Sew your button in the middle of the flower by starting underneath the flower and working your way up

Measure your head with a soft tape measure and cut the elastic to that size

Hot glue the each end of your headband underneath your flower

Cut a very small circle out of your felt and hot glue it on top of your headband underneath your flower to hold it together

Your headband is complete and now ready to wear. Very easy and very cute!


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  1. This is so clever and adorable! I’m not really good at crafty things, but I think I would try this for my niece. She’d like something like this. 🙂

  2. This is beautiful! I want to make many of these, with different colors, for my niece! Pinned! Thank you for sharing this clever idea!

  3. Great craft for the beginner sewer in your home! This craft would be great for a brownie or girl scout meeting!

  4. The headband came out so cute! I make fabric flower accessories as gifts, so this caught my eye. It is fun to see how others’ make things. I haven’t used a glue gun, just sew.

  5. Your directions are very clear. The headband is easy to make. This is such a cute headband to wear.

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