December 17

Love and Blood Book Blast


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Love and Blood

Bronwyn Fitzgibbons was young and reckless. It was easy for Ronan to steal her human life and make her a vampire. She ran, but she never forgot him–or how he made her feel.

Rider saved Bronwyn from the new life she loathed and the new self she detested. His love restored her sanity.

Now Ronan is back to claim her. She struggles like hell against him, but she cannot deny the overwhelming power of her maker. Will Bronwyn surrender to the one who could possess her utterly? Or can she find the strength to choose the one who loves her as she is?

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Jessica lives in California with her husband and young son. She loves to read, and that love helped her to branch out into writing. Aside from writing, she runs an online event planning business called the Release Day Diva. In addition to novels, Jessica writes and maintains the blog Book on the Bright Side. Keep up with Jessica and her latest releases and events on her blog This Author's Life.

Blood Lust (Prequel to Love and Blood) is available for free on Smashwords.

Blood and Sacrifice will be available March 2013
Prizes:3 ebooks $15 Amazon card Fill out the form below to enter. Open Internationally!

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  1. I like the good vampires taking care of the bad ones! The good vamps will always be what they are, but can have redeeming values – the bad ones can’t be saved, but I like reading about both.

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