February 24

Mancode:Exposed 3 Day Book Bash #cheapebook {$0.99}


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Why is today different than any other day?

It’s not, really. Maybe not for you. It’s just another day of spilled coffee, kids whining, and laundry to fold. Oh wait, that’s me.

However, today is a big deal for this chick, self-published author and social media consultant you may or may not have heard of, Rachel Thompson. People like to give her lots of nicknames, but mostly she goes by RachelintheOC, aka the Queen of Snark and oh, don’t forget BadRedhead. #asif

Here are a few facts about this fiery spitfire (and we’ll get to the BIG deal in a

Her first book, A Walk In The Snark, an essay collection based on her popular blog RachelintheOC.com, hit #1 on the Kindle Motherhood list last fall and has become a mainstay, beating out the likes of (ahem, celebrity blondies) Tori Spelling and Jenny McCarthy. This book covers men, women, and relationships, but also more poignant topics like loss and grief.

Her second book, The Mancode: Exposed, released in December, hit #1
on multiple lists (Motherhood, Parenting and Family, Parenting and
Relationships) as well as placing in the overall Amazon Top 100 in January –
within its first month of release! This book is all-out humor: men (Mancode),
women (Chickspeak), love, relationships, sex, and of course, chocolate.

Rachel is a cofounder of the popular group, the Indie Book Collective. While
no longer an active member, she volunteered her time helping hundreds of
writers learn the ins and outs of book promotion and social media for over
a year and cowrote Dollars and Sense: The Definitive Guide To Self-Publishing
Success. Check it out.

Her social media consulting group, BadRedhead Media, specializes in social
media, particularly Twitter, helping authors learn how to brand themselves,
and figure out the world of Amazon. Her clients are varied and cover all
genres. Follow @BadRedheadMedia on Twitter for free tips or visit her site
for fees and info.

So…what’s the BIG deal?

Starting today, for THREE DAYS ONLY, The Mancode: Exposed is 99cents! (Reg.price $2.99.) Yep, you read that right. That’s why THURSDAY – SATURDAY, is special. Only these three days so don’t wait!

No strings, no hoops. Simple click here (Amazon exclusive, no Kindle required) and purchase your discounted copy of this popular #1 bestselling humorous collection of essays on men, women, relationships, chocolate, and sex. (Adult content warning.)

Remember, no Kindle is required to download an Amazon eBook. But you already knew that, yes? Simply download their free Kindle apps for computer, tablet, or smartphone. Even cloud. It’s very easy.

Do you have questions for Rachel? Visit her siteTwitterFacebook, or email her at RachelintheOC@gmail.com. She’s very friendly….after coffee. Especially if you send Nutella (we hear she’s a fan).

Finally, Rachel is happy (well, as happy as she gets) to eSign her eBooks for you (go to Kindlegraph.com) to request her signature. Again, no Kindle required. It kinda rocks.

Thanks for hanging and enjoy the discounted read!


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  1. This is good! I can have this for a gift for my girlfriends whose in motherhood right now. Thank you for sharing this book!

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