July 2

Move Live on Tour in St. Augustine Florida

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Brother and sister dance phenoms, Derek and Julianne Hough, brought their rock n' roll dance performance show Move Live on Tour to St. Augustine this past weekend.  The traveling song and dance expose' has been heralded by critics and fans alike. I brought my 13 year old Hough super-fan to the show and in her words, “it was everything I thought it would be and more!”

The show started promptly at 8pm with the supporting dancers dancing their way to the stage from the back rows of the St. Augustine Amphitheatre.  Derek and Julianne emerged on stage and the crowd erupted in rock star groupie screams.  I quickly realized this was not a dance recital, but a full on concert!  The siblings don't just dance, they sing too.  Over the next two hours (which included a 20 minute intermission) we were treated to many current and past musical hits that were presented to us in never-before-seen ways.

The show  included many wardrobe changes, sometime right before our eyes, and interpretive dance pieces to songs by Sia, Lunch Money Lewis, Icona Pop and even Elvis.   Julianne expressed her love for music from the 40's and 50's with songs like “Candy Man”, “Down to the Water” and Frank Sinatra's “Somewhere Beyond the Sea”.  The fans also helped perform with several songs requiring fans to take the stage, including a dance off between 3 male audience members which was won by “Bill”.

My favorite part of the night was the “Anything You Can Do” song performed by Derek and Julianne.  They took turns one-upping each other and then showed a picture of Donny and Marie as they sang, “anything THEY can do we can do better,”  to which my 13 year old daughter reacted with a, “who are they.”  Even the 101 heat index couldn't keep these performers down, although they did comment they had to skip a few moves as they were sliding in sweat.   Derek even made a few audience appearances himself with one including a sweaty shirt being tossed at a lucky fan.

Move Live on Tour is a family friendly high energy show that will have  you singing and dancing along.  If your are lucky enough to have this performance pass through your town make sure you don't miss out on one of the best shows of the summer.


06.30.15 Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts Orlando, FL United States
07.01.15 North Charleston Performing Arts Center North Charleston, SC United States
07.02.15 Red Hat Amphitheatre Raleigh, NC United States
07.03.15 Wolf Trap for the Performing Arts Vienna, VA United States
07.04.15 Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino Niagara Falls, NY United States


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